Synopsis of GCD: Sculpting Topic: “Rowan autumn leaf. Synopsis of GCD on modeling. Decoration of a decorative plate "Rowan branch" Abstract molding rowan brush preparatory group

Natalia Lapina

Integrated modeling lesson

« rowan brush» .

(senior group)

Target: expand and clarify children's knowledge about mountain ash. Learn to depict it using plasticineography.


Educational: getting to know the tree rowan at different times of the year. With the benefit it brings. Its structure, fruits, leaves. Acquaintance with the paintings of famous artists depicting mountain ash. Repeat the methods of dividing plasticine into parts (pinching, tearing, twisting) and ball rolling and sausages.

Educational: to cultivate love for nature, for the beauty created by artists and nature.

Educational: develop children's attention, patience during painstaking work, fine motor skills of hands.

preliminary work: monitoring mountain ash in the kindergarten area. Draw the attention of children to the leaves and the shape of the berries. Introduce the concept into the children's dictionary « rowan brush» . The repetition of tongue twisters mountain ash"Bunches mountain ash burns in the sun, ". Arrange a herbarium in a corner of nature.

materials: branch mountain ash, plasticine, board for modeling, colored cardboard for the background of the picture, visual materials ( rowan - in winter, spring, summer, autumn; furniture, wind instruments, presentation « Rowan in the paintings of artists ".

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, I'll guess a riddle for you now, and you guess what it is about.

White in the spring

green in summer,

put on in autumn

Red corals.

Right, Rowan. Rowan- This is a very beautiful and amazing tree. spring Rowan blooms with white fluffy flowers. A berry is tied from each flower. In summer, the berries are small and green, so we do not notice them. And closer to autumn, they turn red or turn orange. (for berries rowan many shades) Even when the leaves fall in autumn, the berries cling tightly to the branches and could sag until spring. But by the middle of winter, nothing remains of them. Birds eat them. Birds love berries mountain ash. And other forest dwellers (deer, wild boar, moose) don't hesitate to enjoy it too. They eat branches, buds, leaves.

Berries are not sweet

But joy to the eye

And garden decoration,

And treats for friends.

A person has also known for a long time what a useful tree it is - Rowan. From wood, he makes furniture and wind musical instruments. (Show pictures) Jam is made from fruits, tea is brewed from flowers.

And many poets and artists considered mountain ash a very beautiful tree. Let's see what kind of paintings they created, inspired by the beauty mountain ash.

Presentation « Rowan in the paintings of artists "


Growing by the river Rowan, (From the position of emphasis crouching gradual

straightening the torso, arms forward up.)

And the river flowed rippled. (Turns to the right, to the left with smooth movements of the hands.)

Middle depth. (Forward bends, arms straight.)

Fish-bee-na walked there. (Squats.)

This fish is the king of fish (Jumping.)

It's called a minnow. (Walking in place.)

We, like real artists, will also create a picture from plasticine. This is called plasticineography. And our branch will inspire mountain ash. Our painting will be called « rowan brush» .

Pinch off some brown plasticine and roll up two thin sausages. These will be branches. Let's place them in the center of our cardboard. One over the other. On the top there will be leaves, and on the bottom - berries. We roll a few more small sausages - these will be the branches of the bunch itself, berries hang on them. Note that the branches of the bunch diverge from one point.

Independent work of children.

What shape are our berries? That's right, round. We pinch off pieces of red plasticine and roll small balls in a circular motion. These are our berries. When gluing to cardboard, do not press hard. Berries should be convex.

Independent work of children.

Dynamic pause.

Our fingers are a little tired, let's shake them and remember the patter about mountain ash. "Bunches mountain ash burns in the sun, ripples from mountain ash in the eyes of the guys». (We repeat several times and shake our hands, squeeze and unclench our fingers). Let's continue.

Now we need to make leaves. They can be green, yellow, orange. Pinch off a piece of plasticine and roll up a short plump sausage. This is our sheet. When gluing on cardboard, we stick it harder so that it flattens. The leaves are not convex, but flat. Please note that one leaflet is opposite the other. And by the end of the cutting, they decrease. There is one leaf at the end in the center.

Independent work of children.

Now guys, let's see what who got the rowan.

Avdeeva Svetlana
"Sprig of rowan". Summary of modeling classes

Abstract lesson on modeling in the preparatory group.

Subject:"Sprig of rowan".

Target: continue to develop modeling in the "bas-relief" technique, convey the characteristic features of the object, shape, color according to the model, sculpt with the whole brush, with both hands and work through with all fingers.

Equipment: Natural (autumn) rowan twig with berries and leaves. Pieces of green, yellow, red, brown, blue plasticine. Modeling boards and stacks. Cardboard, decorative base with a frame.

Lesson progress:

1. Creation of game motivation.

Educator: The teacher reminds that a wonderful autumn time has come, all the trees are dressed in beautiful outfits, “Golden autumn is in full swing”, everything is enjoying nature! (shows a beautiful doll "Autumn").

Here is our beautiful girl. Autumn - sister! And what beads she has! Scarlet, bright! Beads are made from red berries. Guess what? Here's a riddle for you:

1. The berry is red,

Not so tasty

And the frost came

Brought sugar.

2. Berries are not sweet,

This is a joy to the eye.

And garden decoration,

And thrushes a treat.

(children's answers)

2. Updating the lesson.

Educator: That's right, it's a mountain ash! Wonderful berry. Ripens on a branch in autumn, bitter ripens in winter, saves everyone in cold weather! A twig like a brush, at the end of a bunch of red berries.

red brush

The rowan lit up.

Leaves were falling.

I was born.

Let's make a thread!

3. Demonstration of work methods.

First, put a layer of blue plasticine on the base, cardboard, with wavy lines from top to bottom, from left to right. See what a real branch of rowan. Brown, at first - the branch is thicker, and then small branches depart from it. We make flagella of different lengths and thicknesses. We make a branch for berries, for leaves. We make berries by “pinching, flattening”. Mixing green, red and yellow pieces of plasticine, we make a “ball” and “pulling out” it. Leaves are received. We carefully look at the composition as a whole, placing the craft in the center.

4. Practical part.

Educator: We carry out the task according to the above model. Let's plunge into the beautiful world of colors of "golden autumn".

Children sculpt crafts, giving it an expressive image.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Setting up an exhibition of works. Comparison of the work done, composition. At will, children add various details, talk about the work, share their impressions, develop a sense of collectivity

Rowan, rowan,

Who did you love?

I loved everyone

She pleased everyone.

ripe berry,

She ate everyone.

Pick a berry and you

Don't be afraid!

(Russian folk song)

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Abstract of a modeling lesson in the middle group "Rowan twig" GCD "Cognitive Development" Integration of areas: 1) Social and communicative development 2) Speech development 3) Artistic and aesthetic.

Tatyana Lichmanova
Abstract of a modeling lesson in the middle group "Rowan twig"

NOD "Cognitive Development"

Region Integration:

1) Social and communicative development

2) Speech development

3) Artistic and aesthetic development

Target: formation of an aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.


1) educational.

To teach children how to make a bunch of mountain ash using prepared plasticine balls.

To instill in children a love for nature, to teach how to compose a whole picture from separate parts.

Improve your skill in sculpting.

2) developing.

Develop speech in children;

Develop attention, imagination;

The development of fine motor skills in children;

Develop aesthetic sense in children;

Develop artistic and creative abilities;

3) educational.

Cultivate responsiveness, kindness, care for birds.

Equipment: easel, toy (a bird, a sheet of drawing paper with an image of a tree, patterns of rowan branches according to the number of children, red plasticine, modeling boards, rowan branches, an illustration depicting wintering birds, a soundtrack "Sounds of birds in the forest".

Methods and techniques:

1. Verbal (Description of the phenomena of winter, rowan berries, wintering birds).

2. Visual (Rowan branches, illustration depicting wintering birds).

3. Game ("winter-winter").

Lesson progress


Tell me what season is it now?



What changes in nature occur in winter?


It is cold, frosty, the ground is covered with snow, the birds have flown to warmer climes.


That's right, well done. (Music sounds, birds sing)

Children, what do you think, what sounds do you hear, what do they look like?


Let's see. A guest has come to us. Who is this?



That's right, a bird, but it's called a bullfinch. He brought us an unusual bouquet (the teacher points to a bouquet of rowan branches). What is it made from?


From the branches of red rowan.


Right. Let's get closer and look at the rowan twigs (the children, along with the teacher, come to the table). What color are the berries?




What shape are they?




Look closely at how the berries are arranged? When the berries are close together they are called clusters. Remind me what time of year it is?



In winter, when it is cold and hungry outside, various birds fly to the mountain ash. Let's, together with the bullfinch, see which ones?

Children(look at the illustration) :

Bullfinch, titmouse, sparrow, waxwing, woodpecker.


Guys, we have a tree in our group. Look, birdie, what a tree we have. Here it is.

(The teacher approaches the flannelgraph with a tree).

This is a red rowan. Guys, the bullfinch asks why is it so sad? Why do you think? What does he lack?


There are not enough berries in the mountain ash.


Children, the bullfinch asks us to decorate the tree with berries and thus we will save the wintering birds from hunger. Can we help the birds?



But first, let's warm up (physical education "Sparrow").

Sparrow chirp chirp

(jumping on two legs, moving arms up and down)

Jump on the path from the branch

Pecked plenty of crumbs (tilts forward and down, arms back)

Stretched! Oh, tired! (stretch, hands up).


Now look what we will sculpt (brings the children up and shows the finished red rowan pattern). Take your seats and be careful. (The teacher shows the modeling of rowan berries. Children sit at tables, pinch off small pieces of plasticine, roll out rowan berries)



Everyone did well. Well done. The rowan berries on the branches turned out to be bright and beautiful for everyone, and we will play with you (the teacher invites the children to play the outdoor game “I’ll Freeze”).


And now, guys, let's decorate our tree with rowan branches (children stick templates on a tree).

Look, bullfinch, how elegant and cheerful it has become. Do you like guys?



Look, birds flew to our mountain ash to peck at our berries.

Here is a mountain ash by the path,

Scarlet brushes are burning.

And the girls and boys

They are in a hurry to tear them down.

We won't take too many

Let's not forget the birds!

Visitors arrive in winter

They are waiting for a gift from the guys!

(Birds say "thank you" to you and treat you with sweets)

Finger gymnastics.
We remove the berries from the branches. (we stroke our fingers one by one, like -
as if we are “picking berries”).
We treat our birds (show the palm).
The birds pecked the berries (with the other hand we imitate the movement “Pecking grains”).
And they waved a wing to us (we wave our palms).
The wind shook the mountain ash (arms up, slowly swinging to the sides).
I plucked the leaves from the mountain ash (hands slowly lower along the body).
The wind twisted the leaves (circling around on their toes).
And put it on the ground (squat).
Synopsis of GCD on modeling in the senior group on the topic "Rowan twig".
-To teach children how to make a bunch of mountain ash using prepared plasticine balls.
- To instill in children a love for nature, to teach how to compose a whole picture from separate parts.
- To evoke an emotional response to the topic of the lesson.
Lesson progress:
- Guys, let's say hello to each other, look into each other's eyes. Your eyes are smart, kind and beautiful. They quietly sat down on chairs.
- What season is it now? (Autumn)
- What happens in nature in autumn? (It's getting cold, the leaves are falling, the birds are flying away)
-Yesterday on our site we saw mountain ash, its branches are full of berries. This is a favorite delicacy of wintering bullfinches. I brought a sprig of rowan especially for you. Let's take a look at it. How are the berries on it? Leaves?
Guys, I completely forgot to tell you! Today I was informed that in the forest a strong wind plucked all the berries from the trees. Now the birds will have to starve all winter. Can we do something to help them?
-I suggest making rowan twigs yourself. Let's see what we have on the tables. (Plasticine, sheets of paper)
-How can we make rowan branches from what we have? (children's answers)
-Right. On the sheets we will draw a twig, and we will make the berries from plasticine. What color plasticine will you use (Red)
- From a large piece of plasticine we pinch off small pieces, and with circular movements of the palms we make small balls (I show). These will be rowan berries. (Children make their own balls of red plasticine.)
Fizminutka "A flock of birds flies south"
A flock of birds fly south
The sky is blue all around. (Children flap their arms like wings)
To fly faster
You have to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensively)
In the clear sky the sun shines,
The astronaut flies in a rocket. (Sipping - arms up)
And below the forest, fields -
The earth is spreading. (Low lean forward, arms out to the side)
The birds began to descend
Everyone sits down in the field.
They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)
And again it's time to go
We need to fly a lot. (Children stand up and flap their "wings")
Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to land. (Children sit at tables)
-What is missing on our branches (Leaves)
(Glue pre-prepared leaves)
-That's what good fellows we are, we saved the bullfinches from the hungry winter. made a lot of juicy berries.

Elena Gudkova
Abstract of the modeling lesson "Rowan branch" for children of the first junior group

Target: develop skill children sculpt berries from plasticine mountain ash, pinching off small pieces from a large one and rolling them into small balls.

Tasks: learn children connect berries in a bunch, form interest in work, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Material: white paper on which is drawn branch; red plasticine, picture bullfinch: bullfinches in the feeder, on tree branches, traces of birds in the snow, mountain ash.

Course progress.

On the board are pictures of bullfinch: bullfinches in the feeder, on tree branches, traces of birds in the snow.

Children, together with the teacher, look at the pictures, the teacher pays attention children in that picture, which depicts bullfinches in a feeder. Then he brings in group feeder and offers to consider.

What do you think this item is for?

caregiver: It is winter outside, the whole earth is covered with snow, it became very cold and small birds, in winter, under the snow, cannot find food for themselves, and therefore adults build such feeders where they pour various food for hungry birds. These are grains and slices of bread, seeds.

Bullfinches are sitting on branch,

The canary sings in a cage

Two tits flew

Yellow sisters.

And white-sided magpies,

They don't get tired of chirping

At the window on the stump

We set up a feeder

And in winter for little birds,

Here is a feast and comfort.

Then the teacher shows a picture of a bullfinch.

Let's take a look at the birds. This is a bullfinch, a beautiful, calm bird. The upper part of the head, wings and tail are black, and the belly and cheeks are red. The bullfinch's beak is short and black.

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains

WITH first snow on rowan

He will appear again.

Physical education "Bullfinches"

Bullfinches fly, flap their wings.

They don't sit still

Spin like a top

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Went to have lunch

But all around is snow and snow.

It's good that they have a feeder,

Made by a kind person!

Guys, most of all bullfinches love berries mountain ash. Look at the branch mountain ash.

What color are the berries mountain ash?

What size are the berries?

What form?

on a twig mountain ash many small round red berries. Now we will sculpt berries mountain ash for bullfinches.

The teacher tells the children riddle:

Berries are not sweet

But joy to the eye

And garden decoration,

And treats for friends.

What is it guys?

Children: Rowan.

The teacher shows the children a bunch mountain ash.

Yes it Rowan. What color are the berries mountain ash?

Answers children: Red.

Do you want to treat our guests to the birds with a berry mountain ash?

Answers children: Yes.

Let's then we blind berries mountain ash and treat our bullfinch birds, which will soon fly to us.

We will sculpt berries like this. We pinch off small pieces from a large lump of plasticine and roll them out with our fingers. Then glue them on branch. We will place the next berry at a certain distance. (Educator showing this on a sample).

Relax and play with your fingers.

One two three four five,

Let's collect the leaves. (clench and unclench fists)

birch leaves (bend fingers, starting with the big one)

Leaves mountain ash

poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll take the autumn bouquet to mom. ( "we walk" on the table with the middle and index fingers).

And now, guys, we are starting to roll the berries.

(During work, the teacher helps the children).

Summing up after work classes, consider all works.

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Purpose: to develop the ability of children to sculpt rowan berries from plasticine, pinching off small pieces from a large one and rolling them into small balls.