Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in the middle group on the topic "miracles of the spring forest." Summary of the lesson on environmental development in the middle group Topic: "Birds in the spring Theme of the bird in the spring in the middle group



  • Expand and activate children's vocabulary.
  • Expand and consolidate children's understanding of migratory birds.
  • Work on the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Learn to highlight an extra item with an explanation.


  • Develop articulatory, general and fine motor skills, auditory and visual attention, thinking (establish cause-and-effect relationships).


  • To cultivate love for the native nature, a kind and careful attitude towards feathered friends.
  • To form the skills of cooperation, to develop the initiative.

Equipment: mnemonic table “Signs of Spring”, a toy bird, Carlos’s toy, a glass of water, pebbles, images of a swallow, a starling, a crane, a rook and their place of arrival, a ball, a set of pictures for the game “The Fourth Extra”, a soundtrack of bird voices, paper for application.

Preliminary work:

  • bird watching on the site during a walk;
  • guessing riddles about birds and spring;
  • reading fiction about spring and birds;
  • learning poems on this topic;
  • listening to audio recordings of bird voices;
  • viewing illustrations "Spring", "Birds";
  • conducting outdoor games, didactic games, finger gymnastics.

Lesson progress:

Children and the teacher stand on the carpet in a semicircle.

Educator: Hello guys. Do you like to solve riddles? I have prepared a very interesting riddle for you, do you want to hear it?

It dawns early in the morning

thawed patches here and there,

The stream roars like a waterfall

Starlings fly to birdhouses.

Drops are ringing on the roofs,

The bear got up from the spruce bed,

The sun caresses everyone with warmth,

Who knows this time of year? (spring)

Educator: Guys, now let's remember the finger game "Spring has come":

Spring has come on the snow, (Children are walking with their fingers

On wet carpet. on the other hand)

Scattered snowdrops (Spread fingers)

She sowed grass. (Join fingers)

Now calling from all over: (Arms bent at the elbows)

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings (Bend fingers)

Educator: Yes, guys, the beautiful Spring is in a hurry to us. What are the signs of spring? (Based on mnemonic tables, children tell.)

The sun shines brighter in spring, warms longer and warmer.

Snow is melting.

The first thaws appear.

Streams run.

A cheerful, ringing drop begins.

Birds come from warmer climes.

Educator: Guys, to find out what we'll talk about today, I suggest you solve a riddle:

They have wings, a head,

Two paws, beak and feathers.

Everyone comes from an egg

You can hear their songs from the trees. (Birds.)

Educator: With the advent of spring, our feathered friends return to us. Why do you think they are called that?

(I show a bird. Children examine it and explain the name "Feathered Friends".)

Children: The body of the bird is covered with feathers, so they are feathered, and friends because they feed on insects that harm plants. And the birds sing songs very well and delight us.

Educator: That's right, guys, birds are our feathered friends, and they are also called Aibolites of the forest, because they save trees from pests. Birds guard our forests and gardens. How do you think people should treat birds, their friends?

Children: They need to be protected, taken care of, fed, especially in winter.

Educator: Yes, guys, friends need to be protected. That is why April 1st is considered World Bird Day. If we save one bird, we will save several trees. Guys, you hear this alarmed bird cry, what happened? (The Carlos bird appears in the group).

Educator:(to Carlos) Carlos, what happened, why are you so worried? (Karlusha tells the problem in the teacher's ear). Guys, Carlos told me that there was a disaster in the spring forest. The fact is that migratory birds began to return to the forest, but the evil sorceress enchanted them, all the birds in the forest fell silent, and without bird singing the forest will not come to life, and spring will not come. What to do? Guys, it seems to me that you and I must definitely help our feathered friends. Do you agree? Carlos, don't worry, we will certainly help our feathered friends. (Karlusha says goodbye and flies away).

Alright folks, it's time for us to hit the road. You are ready?

Physical education minute

Children turn around one after another and walk in a circle, performing movements.

Get ready, kids, clap your hands

Spring is calling: "It's time to walk!"

We will walk in the forest

Breathe clean air

On toes along the path

One by one we'll go Toe walking

In little puddles, walking high

We won’t step, we’ll go around raising our knees

They got in the way,

We need to get around them Snake walking

Go kids, be careful

You can prick yourself about spruce.

Here the magpies flew by

They are magpies not up to sleep! Wave your hands

White-sided magpies crackle: imitation of bird flight

Spring is coming! Spring is coming!

For the spring we went

We've come to the field! Walking

Educator: Guys, here we are in the forest. How quiet it is here, the birds do not sing. Sit down on the stumps, rest a little and think about what we should do next. (Children sit on chairs.)

Educator: Look, there's something under the birch. Guys, this is a note, let's read it quickly:

“I don’t want the birds to sing, so that the forest comes to life again. But if you complete all my tasks, I will disenchant the birds. I warn you, it will not be easy, the tasks are very difficult.


Educator: Well, guys, let's start our hard way. And here are all our tasks that we must complete.

Game exercise "Who will fly for whom"(With a toy bird.)

Birds from the south do not arrive all together, but in turn. Listen, I'll tell you in what order they fly. The first child will name the first bird that comes back, then pass the bird to another. The next child names the first bird and adds the next one, the last child names all the birds.

First the rooks arrive, after the rooks the starlings, after the starlings the swallows, after the swallows the cranes.

(Children take turns calling, passing the bird).

"The jackdaw wanted to drink"

Educator: Guys, look, there is a jar in our way, and there is some water in it, and next to it is a note in which the jackdaw asks us to help her get drunk, she does not reach the bottom with her beak.

Experience "Obediant water"

Carefully throw a pebble into the jar, the water will gradually rise. What's happening? Water rises up, increasing in volume, as we add pebbles there. And the jackdaw can get drunk now.

Every bird has its place

Educator: Guys, you know that every bird returns to its place in the spring. Look carefully and say if these birds flew in correctly. (I show images of birds and under them the wrong place of arrival. Children, after listening to the poem, move the image of the bird to their place of arrival)

1. All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms.

(rook - arable land)

2. Who flies to us with warmth,

Having made a long way,

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay.

(swallow - a nest under the roof of the house)

3. There is a palace on the tree.
The singer lives in the palace.

He doesn't bark, he doesn't bite,

Protects the fruit garden.

(starling - birdhouse)

4. Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray body.

And the back of the head is bare, red.

Walks through dirty swamps,

Catches frogs in them,

Clueless jumpers.

(crane - swamp)

Educator: Guys, we had a long way, we are tired, let's have a little rest and play.

ball game

I will say the task and throw the ball to you, you answer and return it to me. Agreed?

What are the birds doing? (they fly, fly away, arrive, twist, hatch, feed, etc.).

Who has who? (a rook has a rook, a starling has a starling, a stork has a stork, a crane has a crane, a swan has a swan, etc.).

One - a lot (starling - starlings, swan - swans, storks - storks, rook - rooks, etc.).

Educator: After a long flight, the birds find a mate, start building a nest, lay eggs and hatch chicks. They feed them, take care of them, teach them to fly. Birds are very caring parents.

Mimic gymnastics "Chicks"

Having hatched from the egg, the first chick looked around in surprise (the child opens its mouth). The second chick saw how light, warm and joyfully smiled around (smiles). The third chick wanted to hatch first, but did not have time, so he got angry (frowned). The fourth hatched and immediately got scared, closed his eyes from the sun (squint his eyes). And the fifth chick hatched and chirped loudly (lips with a tube).

Educator: Guys, we have one last task left.

"The fourth is extra"

Look carefully at the pictures in each row, say which picture is superfluous and why.

1. Hare, rook, bear, fox (rook - bird)

2. Swallow, crane, starling, sparrow (sparrow is a wintering bird)

3. Tit, sparrow, kite, swallow (kite is a bird of prey)

Educator: Guys, are you listening? This is a fun bird call. We did it, we helped. To our feathered friends, the forest has come to life, which means that spring has finally come. Well, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Did you like our adventure in the spring forest? Guys, I suggest you, as soon as we return to the group, make birds out of colored paper and seat them on our tree in the group.

The children return to the group. Perform a collective application "Birds on a tree".


1. A.N. Gorkanov "Migratory and wintering birds of Russia"

2. I. Gurina "How a bird appears"

3. A.A. Vakhrushev "Hello World"

4. T.P. Tryasorukov "Games and exercises for the development of speech and memory"

5. T.A. Tkachenko "Physical minutes for the development of finger motor skills in preschoolers"

6. A.K., Bondarenko "Word games in kindergarten"

7. V. Khesin "Riddles for kids"

"He is not an elephant, not a lion, not a bird,"

"Crochet tail, snout nose"

8. G.P. Gugusheva "Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age"

420003175000880009408795KGU "Vinno Secondary School"
Completed by: Chaganova.Sh.S.
450000KSU "Vinnenskaya secondary school"
Completed by: Chaganova.Sh.S.
420003175000175001870710Forest beauty-Trees.450000Forest beauty-Trees.

Technological map of organized educational activities.
2 junior group.
Educational area: "Cognition".
Theme: "The beauty of the forest is trees."
Section: Acquaintance with the outside world.
Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of inanimate nature with the help of symbols.
Expand and deepen children's understanding of the world around them, wild
animals and insects.
Develop connected speech. Cultivate respect for the environment
the world.
Equipment: Wood, squirrel, fox, birds, bees, butterfly, bucket of water and glasses for watering, sun.
Bilingual component: fox-tulki, squirrel-tiyn, birds-kustar.
Stages. The actions of the educator. Children's answers.
Motivational-incentive We have a special day today. Look, we have guests. Let's welcome the guests.
Hello dear sunshine!
Hello blue sky!
Hello dear land!
Hello you and hello me!
Children are interested, emotionally responded.
Organizational - search
I draw the attention of children to the tree, which is prepared in advance.
-Look what it is?
-What is he?
What needs to be done to make the tree grow tall and beautiful?
Let's all water the tree together. (children get up and water the tree).
You won't live a day
If you don't drink the juice of life,
She's gone, trouble will come
Everyone everywhere needs it!
- Has our tree grown?
What else do you need for a tree?
-Probably the sun, look out from behind the clouds, the sun peeked out. The sun shines brightly, brightly, which blinded our eyes. Close your eyes with your palms. (a tree appears, tall and beautiful).
-Look, our tree has grown.
Why do we need a tree?
-Animals, birds, insects shelter from rain and wind.
What animals live on a tree? You will know when I give you a riddle:
There is a hollow in the tree
It's warm in the hollow
And who is in the hollow
Live in warmth?
-Squirrel. Squirrel in the Kazakh language will be "tiyn", repeat after me.
-Katya, show me where the squirrel lives?
What is the name of the house where the squirrel lives?
2 riddle:
Redhead with fluffy tail
Lives in the forest under a tree.
-Fox. It will be “tulki” in Kazakh, repeat after me.
-Asylzhan, show me where the fox lives?
What is the name of the house where the fox lives?
3 riddle:
There are no hands, but he knows how to build.
- Bird.
Yes, they are birds. Birds make their nests in the trees. Birds in Kazakh, will be "құstar". Repeat after me.
-Insects also live on the tree, look at the monitor (I show insects on the laptop).
-Let's send insects on a tree so that they live there. Children put butterflies, bees, ants on the tree.
-Now let's rest.
The wind suddenly blew strongly
Brushed the leaves off the tree.
All the leaves are spinning
All flew to the ground.

Didactic game: "Draw."
Purpose: to finish the leaves on the trees.
Children draw leaves.
-What color are the leaves?
Exhibition of works.
Stand up and examine the tree and water it.

They close their eyes with their hands.
Open your eyes and look with surprise.
Solve riddles.
Shows hollow.
Fox. Shows where the fox lives.
Show where the birds live.
We look at the laptop insects.
Children send insects to the tree.
Read and move.
Leaves are drawn on a piece of paper in which a tree is drawn. They exhibit their work.
Reflective-corrective -What did you like about the class?
They express their opinion, say that they liked the lessons.

Expected Result
Know: who lives on a tree.
Have: ideas about inanimate nature.
Be able to: solve riddles and carry out assignments.

Attached files

Synopsis of GCD on ecology in the middle group
What do birds sing about in spring?
Topic: What do birds sing about in spring?
Purpose: clarification and expansion of children's ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring.
Educational: give information about the appearance of birds, about sound signals, consolidate the concept of "Migratory birds".
Developing: develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary.
Educational: to cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.
Materials and equipment: a model of a tree with birds, a music column, an audio recording of bird voices, an album sheet for each child, colored paper, PVA glue, scissors, a brush, a napkin.
Course progress.
(Children sit on chairs)
How nice to wake up, get up,
See the blue sky through the window.
And again to know that spring is everywhere,
That the sun and the morning are more beautiful than sleep.
Educator: Guys, today I woke up from cheerful singing and the chime of bird voices outside the window. Birds appeared on the street, which were not there in winter. They sing their songs cheerfully and loudly. Where did so many birds come from?
Children: From warm countries, from the south
Educator: Why did the birds fly to us?
Children: They returned to their homeland, spring came, the snow melted, it became warm.
Teacher: Yes, spring has come. And what is she?
Children: Warm, bright, joyful, sonorous, sunny, Green.
Educator: What miracles happen in the spring?
Children: Snow turns into water, the first flowers appear, etc.
Educator: But the most important miracle is that it is in the spring that our feathered friends fly to us and bring spring on their wings. Do you know the name of the birds that fly away to warmer climes for the winter, and fly back in the spring?
Children: Migratory.
Educator: Right. Do you know why they fly away?
Children: In winter it is cold, hungry, the birds have nothing to eat, since all insects sleep in winter, etc.
Educator: Guys, would you like to see migratory birds? Previously, in Rus', children became in a round dance, and all together they called the birds with a nickname. Let's call them the same.
(Children get up in a round dance)
You are little birds, twitters,
Fly to us.
Spring is clear, spring is red
Bring us.
(The teacher draws the children's attention to a miracle tree on which migratory birds sit).
Educator: What a wonderful tree! What beautiful birds flew to us! Do you recognize any birds?
Children: Starling, swallow, lark, rook.
Educator: How can you call these birds in one word?
Children: Migratory.
Educator: And how did you guess that it was a swallow?

Children: She has a head, black wings, a white chest, a small and sharp nose, and a tail like two pigtails.
Educator: And by what signs did you recognize the starling?

Children: He is all black, his beak is sharp, and his breast is white with a shiny speck.
Educator: How did you recognize the rook?

Children: It is all black with a purple tint.
Educator: And they also say about the rook that he opens the spring, since the rook returns to us very early, even when the snow has not melted.
What can we say about the lark?

Children: The plumage is gray-brown with dark stripes and spots, and the belly is light.
Educator: What beautiful, one-to-one dissimilar birds. Birds delight us not only with their appearance, but also with their singing. Do you want to hear them sing? (An audio recording of bird voices sounds) Did you like it? What mood did the birdsong evoke in you?
Children: Joyful, cheerful, etc.
Educator: What do you think the birds sing about in spring?
Children: How long was their way home, what did they see on the way, how happy they were to return to their homeland, about their worries, etc.
Educator: And who among you knows what is the first concern for birds in spring? Repair old nests, build new ones. What are bird nests made of?
Children: From dry blades of grass, twigs, straws, fluffs, shreds, moss and more.
Teacher: Can you and I help them somehow? You can lay out pieces of cotton wool, shreds of fabric on branches, and also build birdhouses. Let's make the Birdhouse application. Come to the tables.
(Children begin to complete the application; during work, a recording of the voices of birds sounds.)
Educator: Guys, you have already made the blanks and before you start gluing, let's have a little rest and play. Get up. Interlace your thumbs and hook each other well. For us, this will be the head of the bird. Put the rest of your fingers together, close. These will be the wings. (The teacher accompanies the words with a show).
Are your birds ready? Then we take off and do the movements together.
“He wants to fly straight,
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And sing, sing, sing.
Now let's get on with the job.
(After completing the task, the children review and evaluate their work.)
Teacher: Well done guys. What beautiful birdhouses you have turned out. Thank you, because birds are our faithful and devoted friends! And what happens if the birds do not return to us in the spring? There will be an environmental disaster. There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests, orchards from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation, destroy the crop of bread, vegetables, fruits. Someone will spread the seeds on the ground. We will never hear their beautiful singing.
To from harmful insects
Blooming gardens did not die in vain,
Always, at any time of the year
Take care of all the birds, friends!

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group on the topic Spring
Ivanchenko Galina Aleksandrovna, educator of MDOU Kindergarten No. 6, Rzhev.
Material Description: this summary of the lesson is intended for children in the middle group on the topic: "Birds in the spring." The children solve riddles, look at photographs of birds, memorize sayings and songs about migratory birds.

Activities: game, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Planned results: shows emotional responsiveness when reading riddles; examines pictures with photographs of birds with interest; at the request of an adult, talks about a bird; answers the questions asked.

1. To teach children to listen carefully, show interest and empathy for living beings, for nature.
2. Continue to develop children's ability to use dialogic speech, enrich and activate vocabulary.
3. To cultivate modesty, observation and goodwill to the answers and stories of other children, to cultivate restraint.


Spring is coming and migratory birds are returning to their native lands. It's time to sing beautiful songs, build nests, raise chicks.
This bird has a long tail
constantly moving,
Likes to twitter songs
Walk on the ground. (Wagtail)

Wagtails are the first to return to their native places. They unmistakably find their way home, they arrive at the beginning of the ice drift.

black, nimble,
Screaming "crack"
Worms are an enemy. (Rook)

The snow has not yet melted in the fields, but the rooks have already arrived, they are busily walking along the roads and hills, collecting meager food. And they repair their nests, lay eggs and begin to incubate them. None of the migratory birds breeds before the rooks.

Feathers black and shiny
Can be pretty cheeky
That's it - the end of the pests!
The name of that bird is ... (Starling)

Following the rooks, starlings and larks fly to us. The first song of the lark announces to us that spring has already arrived irrevocably.
In the spring, as soon as the sun begins to warm, and the day becomes longer, the birds return to their native places again.
From the stories of I.F. Zayanchkovsky

Today you learned a lot about migratory birds, and if you see them, I think you will know. They answered questions well, worked actively, guessed riddles.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the senior group on the topic "Migratory birds"

Dudina Nadezhda Alexandrovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 242", Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.

Position: educator

Summary of GCD on cognitive development (natural world)

Topic: "What do birds sing about in spring?" (middle group)

Purpose: formation and consolidation of knowledge about migratory birds.

Tasks: clarify and expand children's ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring; develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary; cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.

Lesson progress:

Educator: How nice to wake up and get up,

See the blue sky through the window

And again to know that spring is everywhere,

That the sun and the morning are more beautiful than sleep.

Today, guys, I woke up from cheerful singing and the chime of bird voices outside the window.

The birds sang their songs cheerfully and loudly. There are so many birds on the street that were not there in winter.

Where did so many birds come from?

(from warm countries, from the south)

Why did the birds fly to us?

(they returned to their homeland, spring came, the snow melted, it became warm)

That's right, spring has replaced winter. What is spring like?

(warm, bright, joyful, sonorous, sunny, green, affectionate)

Guys, it seems to me that miracles happen in nature in the spring. Don't you think so? And what miracles happen in the spring?

(the snow melts, turning into water, the first flowers appear, the buds burst and small leaves appear, the earth turns green from grass)

But the most important miracle is that it is in the spring that our feathered friends fly to us and bring spring on their wings.

What is the name of the birds that fly away to warmer climes for the winter, and return back in the spring.


2. GAME "Good-bad"

What good is it that birds fly away from us?

(it’s cold in our area in winter, they have nowhere to hide from wind and snow, but it’s warm in the south; hungry, birds have nothing to eat, because not all insects are found all year round)

What's wrong with birds flying away from us?

(we do not see birds, we do not hear their singing; many birds, when they fly over, die on the way, do not withstand a long road)

Guys, would you like to see migratory birds? Previously, in Rus', children became in a round dance, and all together they called the birds with a nickname.

Let's get up with you and call them as well.

They get up in a round dance.

You are little birds, chirping,

Fly to us.

Spring is clear, the message is red

Bring us.

3. Draw the children's attention to the miracle tree on which migratory birds sit.

What a wonderful tree! What beautiful birds flew to us!

What birds do you recognize?

(starling, swallow, rook)

What is the name of these birds in one word?


How did you guess it was a swallow?

(the breast is white, the head is black, the beak is small, sharp, and the tail is like two pigtails)

By what signs did you guess that it was a starling?

(the beak is sharp, all black, speckled with white)

What beautiful birds, one is not like the other.

Guys, when the birds return to us, they have the first concern. Do you know what? Fix nests, build new ones. Now the nests are ready, what is the next concern for migratory birds? (lay eggs, hatch chicks)

Who takes care of the chicks? (mother, father)

4. - Guys, have you already painted birds, sculpted, from natural material? And now let's try to lay out from geometric shapes.

Table work.

You can also make birds out of fingers.


Fingers - head, wings - head.

(turn the palms towards you, the thumbs are straightened away from you and intertwined, as if clinging to each other, the thumbs are the head, the rest of the closed fingers are the wings)

What wonderful birds have you got?

Birds delight us not only with their appearance, the wonderful color of their plumage, but also with their songs.

And if birds could sing like people, in words, what would they talk about in spring songs? (about how they love their homeland, how beautiful and unique our land is, what miracles they saw in distant lands, how long and difficult their path was, how they hurried and rejoiced at meeting us).

(expresses his joy, anxiety, fear)

Guys, let's imagine that we are in a forest clearing.

Sit down (sit down on the carpet)

We will hear, as in the sky

Birds sing their songs to us,

Sing about the sun and spring

And about the native side,

And there are no more wonderful songs.

Guys, listen to the birds singing and guess what their mood is.

Educator: Today you guys are all great, they worked very actively. We repeated with you what we knew about migratory birds, and also learned a lot of new things.