Form of work book: sample. How to correctly fill out a work book Empty work book

The labor book (TK) is the main document, reflecting information about the work of an individual.

It is provided upon registration for a permanent place of work and the owner in the status:

  • an employee of the appropriate qualification;
  • specialist who occupied the relevant positions;
  • an experienced or novice worker;
  • with or without disciplinary action.

TK - strict accountability document, in which entries can only be made. Throughout the entire period of work in a company or organization, it is maintained by the employer, who is responsible for its storage.

It should be stored in a secluded place, in a fireproof cabinet, the keys to which can only be held by the employer and an authorized person and in hands with proper registration.

A similar attitude to the forms of the Labor Code, which are issued under the report, are stored in a place inaccessible to employees and are issued, if necessary, to newly arrived people. They can also be issued to those whose work book is lost.

It is noteworthy that persons are provided with forms of the work book of the Russian Federation only from the employer, who purchases them from licensed distributors. It is unacceptable to acquire a form on your own, as this can lead to unpleasant legal consequences - the work book of the Russian Federation can be declared illegal.

Currently only new forms are used TK, they have the same year of publication - 2003. Labor itself can be of two types.

Some of them are issued on forms of 1977. Both those and others are relevant when applying for a job and for applying for pension benefits.

Reception and issuance of work books is carried out in and inserts to them. The receipt and issuance of labor forms and insert forms is registered in.

In addition, strict reporting documents are inserts in the work book. They are sewn into the document when the work book itself ends, the employer continues to enter information about the employee into them. The book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them must be stitched and sealed. How to do it - read.

Dimensions and shape

Books have standard sizes and a clear rectangular shape. Because of this, an experienced employer will determine the true labor at a glance.

However, it must be taken into account that the standard running gears have insignificant differences already in the cover. It can be cardboard gray, or it can have a dark blue or dark green color. However, not all of them are made of the same material. The reason is that there are two types of books, in particular (in centimeters):

  • TK release in 1977 - 10x14 cm;
  • TK release in 2003 - 8.8x12.5 cm.

To avoid tampering with this product, each sheet is protected by:

  1. Old-style TCs have serpentine watermarks that are easily visible through the light.
  2. Books of a new type in the light allow you to see the watermarks in the form of the letters TK throughout the sheet format. In addition, they are provided with a lattice pattern that smoothly changes color towards the middle of the sheet.

Know how many pages are in the work book. Their number in the old ones is 40, and in the new ones - 46. New samples.

Occasionally there are work books of the old type, in which there is not even a seal on the title page.

These pre-war copies are also valid when calculating seniority. You almost never meet an employee who would come to an employer with such a book, but you need to keep in mind their presence.

How it looks, you can see below.

The book, as befits a document of this kind, begins with, which indicates the personal data of the employee. These include last name, first name, patronymic, and qualifications.

Both the title page and the rest of the sections should be formatted correctly and accurately. Inside it is provided with sections:

  • job information;
  • information about .

Job details include:

  1. Sequence numbers of entries corresponding to the hiring of citizens, their dismissal from work. Also, records are numbered about the renaming of the organization, about internal personnel transfers made to the address of the owner of the book.
  2. Date of admission or dismissal, and, promotion (demotion) in position, renaming of the enterprise.
  3. Records of legal proceedings associated with the person's work. With an indication of the legal basis for the entry made, extracted from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  4. The order on the basis of which the recording was made.

Why and why you need a work book: its purpose

When a citizen enters a job, already during an interview, they may request a work certificate, which in its own way characterizes his business qualities and reflects the idea of ​​him as a competent and disciplined worker and vice versa. All this information is easy to obtain, since the specifics of dismissal on disciplinary action are reflected in the information about the work by the corresponding entry.

Despite the fact that some do not provide for the entry of information on admission and dismissal, at the request of the employee, such a record must be made. The employer does not have the right to refuse the applicant to make an entry in the Labor Code.

While a citizen works in an organization, its manager, personnel officer or authorized person are responsible for keeping this document. At the same time, situations are likely in which the TC is required.

In this case, in order to avoid liability for its loss, they issue it on the basis of the work book. It fully reflects all the information, copies them. If not all the information available in the Labor Code is requested, but only part of it - the employer.

If a working person decides to be interviewed in another organization, he has the right to use an extract. An extract is needed to confirm the current place of work of a citizen and selective information.

Upon completion of employment and retirement, the employee is not required to quit that hour. But the original labor will need to be presented to the pension insurance fund for. That is, without presenting the TK, a pension certificate will not be provided.

Upon receipt of a passport, a package of documents is also required, which contains a copy of the labor one. Her presented subject to the official employment of a citizen relevant at the moment.

According to the work book, authorized organizations determine whether a citizen traveling abroad had access to classified information, which can play a role when visiting some (or all) countries. If a person, sanctions may be imposed on him, suspecting that the necessary information is being hidden. And checking their validity will take a lot of time.

In order to fill out and start a work book, The employer is required to request documents:

  • passport;
  • diploma of higher or secondary education;
  • certificates, certificates, diplomas of advanced training;
  • for those who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces -.

Married women who have changed their surname provide a marriage certificate.

At each enterprise where a citizen works, his work book is involved in personnel records management from the moment the employment contract is filled out. According to the regulations, a record of employment must be made no later than 5 days of work. Otherwise, the employer will face legal consequences.

Recently, the provision of TK has become mandatory,. It is obligatory to make entries in the Labor Code, including for heads of enterprises, founders of LLC. The procedure for applying for a job is somewhat more complicated., but the powers are wider. In principle, the right to make an entry in the shopping mall on their own.

After dismissal, the document must be issued at the request of the person on the day the entry is made in the book. If this does not happen, no later than 3 days from the date of making the entry, the employer must provide the employee with the TC on his own initiative. If he is absent from the workplace and refuses to contact, it is required to send a notification by registered mail.

That is, the validity period begins from the moment the work begins, and ends on the day of dismissal. The book of the dismissed employee at the previous place of work loses its legal force.

If the book has expired, it does not expire. It requires . Subsequently, the insert will become part of the labor, where the entry will continue.

How old is it issued

A document can be started from the age when a teenager has the right to get a permanent (or other) job where he has worked for more than 5 days, in accordance with the provisions Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the Labor legislation, this age is defined as reaching 14 years, when the partial legal capacity of citizens comes. But when applying for a job of a minor, a statement from the parents will be required that they do not object to his labor activity, which can be carried out in his spare time from study.

In this case, the employer shares its responsibility with them, and the parents also compensate for the costs of labor forms that will be required for a decent job registration of a teenager. From the age of 15, a minor can find a job on his own, but only to perform light work.

From the age of 16 he has the right to conclude an employment contract and get a work permit. Experienced employers and personnel officers in all cases of hiring persons under the age of 18 require an application from their parents. This allows them to avoid chicanery from the GIT inspectors, as well as get insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Regulatory documents

All actions with the TC are regulated by legislative norms and rules. In ch. 10, 11 of the Labor Code, the provisions of personnel records management are considered. Regulations, inserts and related documentation provided:

  1. Article 66, Article 77, Clause 5, Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Rules for the maintenance and storage of shopping malls, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 16.04.03, No. 225.
  3. Instructions for filling out the shopping mall, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on 10.10.03, No. 69.

Article 66 reflects work with work books. When compiling the Instructions (No. 69), this legislative framework became the basis.

Here are all the requirements that must be followed in the order of working with the TC when applying for a job, including -, and the rest of the positions of filling out the document are also regulated.

Labor Code - Labor book. Chapter 11, Article 66.

The work book of the established form is the main document on the work activity and work experience of the employee.

The form, procedure for maintaining and storing work books, as well as the procedure for preparing work book forms and providing employers with them, are established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The employer (with the exception of employers who are natural persons who are not individual entrepreneurs) keeps work books for each employee who has worked for him for more than five days, in the case when the work for this employer is the main one for the employee.

The work book contains information about the employee, the work performed by him, transfers to another permanent job and the dismissal of the employee, as well as the grounds for terminating the employment contract and information about awards for success in work. Information about penalties in the work book is not entered, except in cases where dismissal is a disciplinary sanction.

At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is entered in the work book at the place of main work on the basis of a document confirming part-time work.

Part six is ​​no longer valid.

These include points for entering information about incentives and awards. The article states that when applying for a job, the shopping mall must be opened no later than 5 days. must be done on the same day.

The instructions explain the data in article 66 of the regulation- expanded. All actions and their algorithm are prescribed here, which must be observed with the correct registration of the employee. The rules for numbering records, entering dates and information about admission and dismissal are considered to the smallest detail.

The rules are written on the title page and when making entries. Ready-made formulations are given that can be used in various situations of hiring and dismissing employees. Standards for the use of symbols, ink, as well as ready-made matrix samples of records are given.

Attention is drawn to facts such as, which are entered along with other entries, but in a special format.

Decree (No. 225) reflects all the rules of organizational work with shopping malls and books. It defines the norms for their acquisition, storage. Indicates how to keep records in the journal, as well as preparation for work. These most important aspects of activities with books must fully coincide with the regulations established in the document.

Clause 5, Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is applied in cases where an employee is dismissed due to unforeseen circumstances. These often include cases where a citizen receives a disability pension or is otherwise unable to continue working.

This moment allows you to make an entry in the absence of an employee, but on the basis of documents that reflect the need for dismissal.

Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation fully reflects the rules and reasons for terminating an employment contract, which may include:

  • agreement of the parties;
  • expiration of the contract;
  • at the initiative of the employee;
  • at the initiative of the employer, etc.

Where is the archive of work books located?

Each enterprise, according to the rules of current office work, has an archive department. If this is not provided, the archive is located in a higher organization. Individual entrepreneurs are required to have a fireproof cabinet in which archival documentation is stored.

All not received by employees along with the rest of the TC within 3 years before being transferred to the archive.

In the case of the fate of the TC, the following:

  1. It can be taken by the relatives of the deceased by presenting the death certificate of the owner.
  2. She can stay at work.

If no one requested the documents, the work book of the deceased (and other person) is archived. Books must be kept in archives for at least 75 years.

If the book is in two languages

Old style shopping malls (1977) may be bilingual. Such a socio-cultural policy was carried out in the Soviet Union - the citizens of the republics had documents in two languages. According to the principle of application, they are no different from those used by citizens of the Russian Federation during this period.

In many cases, personnel officers who did not know the language of the national republic did not make entries in the part that suggested the presence of relevant entries.

The employer when working with such shopping malls must use the same algorithm, as when working with regular instances. Entries in the second language should simply be ignored, since if they exist, they exactly duplicate those in Russian. And in case of their absence, no data loss occurs. These labors are of proper quality.

The book is not a standalone document. For its application, a passport is required, in extreme cases - an identity document of the owner. Accordingly, all information entered on the title page must correspond to the passport data of the person.

Subject to the coincidence of information in all documents, which is typical of male citizens, the employer draws up a book or makes an appropriate entry in it. For women who tend to change their surname upon marriage, a little extra effort has to be made.

Establishment of the fact of belonging to the TC in this case should be carried out on the basis of the provision of a marriage certificate or other document that caused the change of surname (first name, patronymic). The person writes a statement addressed to the head, in which he indicates the reason for the changes made in the documentation. The indicated documents are attached to the application for establishing the fact of ownership of the work book and ask:

  • identify TC;
  • make appropriate changes to the workbook.

In some particularly difficult situations, citizens collect documents and confirmations from a previous place of work. They can also contact the labor inspectorate if the work book was lost several years ago, but it is advisable to restore it.

If a lost shopping mall is found

It is not uncommon for an employee to get a duplicate instead of a lost book. If after that the work book is found, it can:

  1. Not used if the duplicate reflects all the details of the job.
  2. It is used if the duplicate does not contain all the information and it is easier to make entries from the last place of work in the book than to get certificates for the duplicate.

Not a single document contains sanctions against (and more than TK). But when receiving a pension and calculating the length of service, only one book will be accepted, and the rest will completely lose their meaning.

If the found labor logically restores the period lost and not restored in a duplicate, then when calculating a pension, it is necessary to ensure that it is included on the basis of the first Labor Code.


While there is a discussion on the feasibility of introducing electronic work books into personnel records management, many citizens are already using them. These include persons who are employed through the Federal Center and some regional employment centers.

Pension funds have such information on electronic media. However, they do not contain information about the experience of a person in the Soviet and perestroika periods.

At the moment, this is an analogue of a regular book, but used only on electronic media. However, the paper copy is not abolished. M

The opinion regarding e-books is not unambiguous, but planning for a phased transition to exclusively electronic samples is already underway.

The main snag in this matter is the existence of a unified registration database of working citizens, to which every employer, including individual entrepreneurs, should have access. Such a global association can only be realized with an appropriate program that ensures information security.


Working with work books requires a thorough knowledge of the sources of law which can be consulted on a case-by-case basis. For each mistake made by an arbitrary attitude to the issue, comments and fines from the inspectors of the GIT will be charged.

Employment history - This is the main document confirming the labor activity and length of service of the employee.. From time to time, discussions begin about the need to cancel them due to the fact that employees are now registered individually, and information about the insurance premiums transferred for them is kept in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund. Many questions arise due to fake work books, inaccurate entries in them, the complexity of their maintenance. Nevertheless, this document continues to operate, as well as the legal acts regulating the procedure for filling out and storing work books.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that until 2006 individual entrepreneurs hiring employees could not make entries in the employment record book. Now they have practically the same obligations and rights of the employer as organizations, therefore they keep work books according to general rules.

According to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure for maintaining work books is established by the authorized federal executive body. The main document governing this procedure is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225, which approved the form and samples of work books and inserts in them, instructions for filling them out, the rules for their maintenance, the procedure for acquiring and accounting.

The responsibility for maintaining work books lies with the employer, and it can be:

  • administrative under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (from 1 to 5 thousand rubles for officials; from 30 to 50 thousand rubles for organizations; administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days);
  • disciplinary (disqualification of the head for a period of one to three years);
  • material, if the employee suffered material damage due to the untimely issuance of a work book.

In what cases is it necessary to keep work books

Work books must be kept for each employee who has worked for the employer for more than five days, and this work is the main one for him, while the employee must be hired by. If it is, then they do not make entries in the work book.

As for the records of work on, they are entered at the request of the employee in the work book at the place of main work. For example, the main job in a small enterprise is a legal adviser, and an internal part-time employee also performs the functions of an office manager. Then, first, an entry is made about the main job, and after it, an entry about taking on a part-time job.

A work book is a document specified in the mandatory list when applying for a job by. If an employee cannot present a work book (lost, damaged, not issued by a previous employer, etc.), then he must apply to his previous place of work for a duplicate of it. In the event that this is not possible (for example, an organization or individual entrepreneur has ceased operations or been disbanded), the employer must issue a new work book at the written request of the employee indicating the reason for its absence. The employer cannot enter information about previous places of work in the new book from the words of the employee. The first record of work will be the place of work at which a new work book was issued.

If suddenly an employee finds a lost work book with records of previous places of work and asks to cancel a new book, then you should know that it will be problematic for the employer to do this. Employment books are classified as strict reporting documents, and records of their movement are entered into a special accounting book. The procedure for canceling a work book is not regulated in any way.

There are no negative consequences for the employee, such as unaccounted for work experience, the presence of two work books does not carry. Information about the insurance premiums transferred for him from all previous employers is in the database of the PFR, MHIF and FSS. The new book does not invalidate the previous work book. You can simply give the employee a copy of his application for a new work book certified by the employer, if he has to explain at another place of work why there are two books.

Current forms of work books

Decree of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, from January 1, 2004, new work books were introduced. Along with this new form, work books are valid, the form of which is approved:

  • Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated December 20, 1938 No. 1320 "On the introduction of work books";
  • Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 6, 1973 No. 656 "On labor books of workers and employees";
  • Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 310 of April 21, 1975 "On labor books of collective farmers";

The work books of these samples, having already been started by employees, continue to be valid, and there is no need to change them. If the employee received his first work book after 2004, then only new forms can be used when applying for it.

Making entries in the work book

According to the Instruction approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of October 10, 2003 No. 69, entries in the work book can be made in black, blue or purple ink with a fountain, gel or ballpoint pen. Abbreviations such as "pr." are not allowed. instead of "order", "st." instead of "Article", "TK" instead of "Labor Code", etc. Dates are indicated in Arabic numerals in the format: day and month - two-digit, year - four-digit.

In the sections of the work book "Information about the work" and "Information about the award" it is unacceptable to cross out inaccurate, incorrect or invalid entries. If necessary, after the last entry in the book, enter "The entry for the number such and such is invalid", and then make the correct entry. If an entry in the work book on dismissal or transfer to another permanent job was invalidated, then, upon a written application from the employee, he is issued a duplicate of the work book without making such an entry in it.

When the person with whom they concluded has already worked before, he brings a work book, the title page of which is filled out. In the case when the work book is filled out for the first time, it must be issued within a week.

Information about the employee in the title page are entered according to the rules:

  • surname, name and patronymic are written in full, without initials, as indicated in the identity document;
  • information about education: general, secondary vocational, higher, postgraduate are entered on the basis of education documents (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.);
  • if the employee is still studying, then an entry about incomplete education is made on the basis of a certificate from an educational institution, a record book, a student card.

After entering these data and indicating the date of filling out the work book, the employee must certify with his signature on the title page the accuracy of the information about him, then the title page is signed by the person responsible for issuing work books and the seal of the organization or personnel service is affixed. A work book without a seal on the title page will be invalidated.

Further changes in the basic information about the employee are made on the basis of documents (passport, marriage or divorce certificate, change of last name, first name, patronymic, etc.) with reference to their number and date. The former surname, name, patronymic, date of birth are crossed out with one line and new data is recorded. Links to the documents on the basis of which the changes were made are entered on the inside cover of the work book and certified by the signature of the employer or a person authorized by him and the seal of the organization (personnel service). When supplementing records on education, profession, specialty on the title page, the previous records are not deleted, but only supplemented with new ones. Links to new documents on education should not be made on the internal page, this is not provided for by the rules.

When entering information about work indicate the full and abbreviated name of the organization. Next, a record is made of employment in the structural unit of the employer, position (profession, specialty), as well as the date and number of the order or other decision by which the employee was hired.

The name of the position, specialty, profession must correspond to the staff list of the employer. If the working conditions imply benefits or restrictions, then this name must be recorded as indicated in the qualification reference books. An appropriate entry is made in the work book of an employee who received a new category (class, category) or a second profession (specialty, qualification) during the period of work.

Labor books and inserts in them are documents of strict accountability, therefore they must be stored in safes, metal cabinets or other conditions that ensure their safety. The law does not prohibit issuing work books to employees, but the employer will be responsible for the loss.

Issuance of a work book to an employee upon dismissal

The work book must be issued to the employee on the day of termination. If this is not possible, because the employee refuses to receive it or is absent from the workplace at all, the employer must send a written notice of the need to appear for the work book or agree to send it by mail. Such a notification relieves the employer of responsibility for the delay in issuing a work book. When issuing a work book in his hands, the employee must sign on his personal card and in the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them. Employment books, inserts and their duplicates not received by employees upon dismissal are kept by the employer on demand, and unclaimed - 75 years.

Drawing up an extract from the work book occurs when the owner of this document requires written evidence of his length of service, experience or place of work.


Where may an extract be required?

Usually, extracts are required in:

  • state bodies (to establish the right of a person to subsidies, benefits and other financial indulgences),
  • banking structures (to analyze the solvency of the client when issuing loans and credits).

However, the list of institutions that can ask for an extract from the labor force is not limited to these organizations - the list is actually much wider. Among other things, an extract may be needed when applying for another job as a part-time job.

Why you can not use the work book itself

The work book is in the hands of the owner only when he is unemployed. Upon employment, this document is transferred to the personnel department of the enterprise, where all the necessary entries are first made in it, and then it is included in the employee's personal file. After that, the responsibility for the content and safety of the work book passes to the specialist of the personnel department. The procedure is organized in this way because the work book is a strict accounting document, on the basis of which the length of service is calculated and the old-age pension is calculated in the future.

What is the difference between an extract and a copy

As a rule, ordinary people rarely see the difference between a copy and an extract. And meanwhile, although it is quite small, it is there. The copy is identical to the document from "A to Z" - in other words, the document is removed from cover to cover. The extract usually concerns some separate small part or section of the document.

Who makes the statement

Usually, the following is directly involved in issuing extracts from work books:

  • personnel officer,
  • secretary of the organization (if this function is part of his official duties),
  • or the manager himself.

Who should certify the statement

The extract can be certified by any responsible employee of the company authorized to sign such copies.

The absence of the signature of the chief executive of the enterprise (director or general director) does not invalidate the extract. At the same time, it is desirable to certify the document with a seal, but it is also not necessary, since since 2016 enterprises and organizations have been exempted from the requirement to use seals and stamps in their activities.

The procedure and terms for issuing an extract

If there is a need for an extract from the work book, the only thing to do is to write and transfer it to the employer in any convenient way free form statement in the name of the head of the enterprise or responsible employee.

Based on this application, an appropriate order is issued, which serves as the basis for issuing a document.

By law, the statement must be ready in three days from the time the application was written. At the same time, the employee may indicate other, shorter deadlines, but the employer is not obliged to meet him halfway. Therefore, if there is any particular urgency, it is better to stock up on written evidence of this and be sure to attach them as an attachment to the application.

Do they have the right to refuse

The work book is the property of the person to whom it is issued, therefore, it is temporarily under the authority of the employer, namely, exactly for the period while the employment contract is in force between the enterprise and the employee.

The employer cannot refuse to extract from the work book - the employee's right to receive it is enshrined in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

If it is violated, an employee of the company may complain to the labor inspectorate for the restoration of justice.

How many times can I apply for an extract from the work book

There is no norm on the number of applications for an extract from the work book, so that each employee of the enterprise can do this as many times as he likes and at any time - the employer will be obliged to satisfy the employee's request each time.

Do I need to state the reason for the withdrawal?

The employer is obliged to issue an extract from the work book, regardless of where and for what purposes the employee needs it.

Moreover, he has no right to demand explanations from him. In other words, a subordinate can simply ask for an extract without any justification and the address at which it is required.

Do I need to register an extract

Any actions with the work book are recorded in a special internal one, including making copies and extracts from them - the date of the extract is entered in the journal, as well as to whom exactly it was issued.

The extract is made either manually or copied through a photocopier, while both a simple A4 sheet of format and the organization's letterhead can be used. Regardless of the mode in which it is prepared, it must be certified by the autograph of the responsible officer. Usually an extract fits on one page, but if there are several of them, then each one needs certify with a signature, numbered and stamped.

The extract must contain the following information:

  • document's name,
  • name of the employing organization,
  • the position of the responsible person,
  • surname, name, patronymic of the responsible person who made it,
  • data on the owner of the work book (i.e., the one who actually needs an extract): his last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and information about education and profession.
  • workbook number,
  • the date of its commencement.

The rest of the information depends on the specific need for which it was made, and be sure to put a mark that "This employee has been working in the company to date."

In conclusion, under the statement, be sure must be signed by the responsible person with decryption.

Extract from the work book - certified copies of the main sheet and pages with the required information. After receiving the application from the employee, the employer must submit a certificate within 3 days. Such a document may be required:

  • when there is a need to borrow money;
  • when calculating pension payments;
  • for the trial;
  • when submitting documentation to the department of social protection;
  • for registration of a passport and other documents for interaction with government agencies.

Employees of the organization's personnel department know how to make an extract so that it meets current requirements. A document is drawn up and issued in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code and Government Decree No. 225. The employee must receive a certificate free of charge without specifying the purposes for which it is needed.

What form of document

The extract is issued on a special letterhead of the organization where the employee is registered. It must be certified by an employee of the personnel department. In the case of a large number of sheets, they are stitched. On the last page, a note is made on the number of sheets, the signature of the witness and the seal of the company are put.

In the upper right corner, the organization's stamp is placed or contact information is written. Below is the series and number, as well as the personal information of the employee applying for the document. Then a table is compiled in which the necessary data is entered. When filling out an extract, you will need to provide information about the employee:

  • Day, month and year of birth;
  • information about education;
  • Profession.

The procedure for issuing an extract

To obtain an extract, the employee will need to write an application for a specific period and submit it to the manager. Based on it, the employer decides to satisfy the employee's requirement. If the outcome is positive, the date when the document and seal was considered is put on the application. The issuance of an extract is carried out by an employee of the personnel department with his personal signature. It is not a copy of the entire work book, but only certain pages that display the time period and place of work.

Our site allows you to download the form of an extract from the work book. Using the convenient search, you can download other documentation that will help resolve issues in various areas. Experienced specialists will provide a sample of filling out the document and advise on the issues that have arisen.

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Extract from the work book sample of filling

"Employment history of the established form is the main document on labor activity and seniority of the employee"

(Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Attention! Work book forms are strict reporting forms, they are sold only legal entities and are transferred under the Act only to a representative of a legal entity that has a Power of Attorney to receive forms of work books and inserts.

To purchase work book forms, you must provide the details of the organization (regardless of the form of payment). Upon receipt of an order, you must have Power of attorney or seal organizations.

We are selling only official papers work books of the current series, purchasing them from the official distributors of the MPF Goznak.

Since 1974, the work book has been printed exclusively at Goznak. Today it is a document made in accordance with security printing standards.

Protective complex The work book includes a two-tone watermark, protective fibers, the paper has two chemical protections - against etching and for identifying authenticity. Also, a guilloche grid is applied to the pages of the book, there is an iris transition and microtext. In addition, an invisible UV ink is applied to the document. The document number has magnetic properties. The book is sewn with a special bicolor thread.

The quality of work books is confirmed by the Quality Certificate of counterfeit-proof printing products.

Seminars by Svetlana Dmitrishchuk on the issues of registration of work books were held in the Personnel Club "Personnel in Order".

"Employment books: difficult questions" part 1

"Employment books: difficult questions" part 2

You can watch videos of other seminars of the club in the VIDEO section

Regulatory Materials:

Employment history- an official personal document of a Russian citizen who has reached the age of 14, which receives registration for the first time from the moment he starts working, when he first enters a job - employment, and reflects individual information about him: personal data (last name, first name, patronymic), date and year of birth, education, profession and specialty; the document is assigned a registration number, and, in accordance with the provisions of labor laws, the position recorded in it, all changes and any information about relationships with the employer are certified by the personal signature of the owner and certified by the signature of the person in charge of the personnel department of the organization (employer), where the work book is stored up to the dismissal of the employee, when moving to another place of work, the work book is given to him in his hands, and when registering labor relations with a new organization, it is transferred to its personnel department.

  • "Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing blank work books and providing them to employers" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225, as amended on February 6, 2004, March 1, May 19, 2008)
  • "Instructions for filling out work books" Appendix No. 1 to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69
  • Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the maintenance, storage, accounting and issuance of work books
  • Report on the availability of work book forms and an insert in it
  • Application for receipt of work book forms and an insert in it
  • Income and expense book for accounting forms of the work book and an insert in it

Helpful information:

We are often asked: "Why don't you sell work books to individuals, because you can now buy them at any stall?"

“Employment books are strict reporting forms. They are supplied by the MPF Goznak to certified distributors, which then sell them to retail stores. Each store receives work books according to documents that indicate the series and numbers of transmitted forms.

When selling work books of an organization, the store, in addition to standard accounting documents, draws up a certificate of acceptance and transfer of the BSO, which also indicates the serial numbers of the transferred forms. Each organization is required to maintain a "Receipt and expense book for accounting for the forms of the work book and an insert into it", in which the serial numbers of the received forms are entered.

Thus, when receiving a work book from the employer, the employee can be sure that he receives an official document, and not a fake.

The state controls the production and distribution of strict reporting forms, and any organization can be checked for compliance with the requirements for accounting for such forms.

Therefore, we purchase work books only from official distributors, we sell work books and inserts only to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, we carefully draw up all the necessary documents and recommend that the employer, for his part, also treat the forms responsibly."

Answers on questions:

  • Duplicate work book: do I need to register
  • Mistakes in previous entries
  • Insert in the work book: how to issue
  • Restoration of a work book
  • Providing a work book to the Pension Fund
  • Employment books of laid-off workers
  • A copy of the work book: how to assure
  • Can you refuse a job?
  • Employment record of a remote worker
  • Title page corrections
  • Correction of the date of birth in the work book
  • The work book is issued for the first time
  • Who should keep the Book of accounting for the movement of work books
  • The employee himself bought the form of the work book
  • Payment for work books
  • Facsimile signature in the work book
  • Worked 1 day - should I make an entry in the work book?
  • A new work book or a duplicate of the lost one?
  • "Fired" or "Employment contract terminated"?
  • On the basis of what document to make an entry?
  • University record
  • Order on the appointment of a responsible
  • The record from the last place of work is not certified by a seal
  • Pages torn from workbook