Presentations on Karamzin in the library. Presentation "Unknown Karamzin" about N.M. Karamzin (for literature, history, class hours). Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich

Simbirsk Governor A.M. Zagryazhsky, on behalf of 38 Simbirsk nobles, petitioned the emperoron the creation in Simbirsk of a monument to N.M. Karamzin with the opening of an all-imperial subscription to raise funds for its construction. Soon the consent was received, significant funds were collected, but the decision on what the monument should be was delayed.

Emperor Nicholas I, who visited years in personally indicated the location of the monument and ordered: “Conclude a contract with the professor of the Academy of Arts Galberg to make within three years .... the aforementioned monument with bas-reliefs, for the price he asked for 91,800 rubles ...” 550 pounds of copper needed for the construction of the monument, released from the treasury.

Only two years later, Professor Galberg began work, but, a year later, Samuil Ivanovich Galberg died, having managed to develop a project for the monument. The work of the professor was completed by his students - graduates of the Academy of Arts:, A.A. Ivanov, P.A. Stavasser and. The statue of the muse, the patroness of history, was made by A.A. Ivanov and P.A. Stavasser. One of and a bust of N.M. Karamzin, fashioned, the other -. The red granite pedestal from Finland was made in St. Petersburg by craftsman S.L. Anisimov. The statue of Clio, the bust of the historiographer and the high reliefs were cast in bronze in a foundry under the guidance of a professor Baron. All the details of the monument were delivered to the navigation of 1844, and the following spring and summer, work was carried out to prepare the site and install the pedestal.

The monument was inaugurated year (old style). The monument was created according to the customs of that time, in the style of classicism. On the pedestal stands the majestic statue of the muse of history, Clio: with her right hand she lays the tablets on the altar of immortality - the main work of N.M. Karamzin, and in the left she holds a pipe, with the help of which she intends to broadcast about the glorious pages of the life of Russia.

In the pedestal of the monument, in a round niche, there is a bust of the historian. The pedestal is decorated with two high reliefs. On the northern depicted Karamzin reading an excerpt from his "History" in the presence of his sister during the emperor's stay in Tver in 1811. On the other, also in allegorical form, Nikolai Mikhailovich is depicted on his deathbed surrounded by his family at the moment when he learned about the award to him generous pension. In accordance with the canons of the classical style, all the figures of the monument are depicted in antique clothes. The inscription on the pedestal, made in superimposed letters, read:

N.M. Karamzin the historian of the Russian state by order of Emperor Nicholas I in 1844. The total height of the monument is 8.52 meters, of which the height of the pedestal is 4.97 meters, the statue of Clio is 3.55 meters.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - writer and historian (1766-1826) Whatever you turn to in our literature, Karamzin laid the foundation for everything: journalism, criticism, story-novel, historical story, publicism, the study of history. V.G. Belinsky

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Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin Honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1818), full member of the Imperial Russian Academy (1818). The creator of the "History of the Russian State" (volumes 1-12, 1803-1826) - one of the first generalizing works on the history of Russia. Editor of the Moscow Journal (1791-1792) and Vestnik Evropy (1802-1803). Writer, rhetorician, historian, translator. This man made a great contribution to the history of his country.

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Born in the family of a middle-class landowner of the Simbirsk province M. E. Karamzin. The upbringing and education of the future writer were associated with the patriarchal traditions of the provincial noble culture. He studied at one of the best private boarding schools of Moscow University professor I. M. Shaden, where he studied languages ​​in 1779-1880; He also listened to lectures at Moscow University.

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In 1781 he began serving in the Preobrazhensky Regiment in St. Petersburg, where he became friends with A.I. and I.I. Dmitriev. This is a time not only of intense intellectual pursuits, but also of the pleasures of secular life. After the death of his father, Karamzin retired in 1784 as a lieutenant and never served again, which was perceived in the then society as a challenge. After a short stay in Simbirsk, where he joined the Masonic Lodge, Karamzin moved to Moscow and was introduced into the circle of N. I. Novikov, settled in a house that belonged to the Novikov Friendly Scientific Society (1785). He studied the literature of the French Enlightenment, German writers and romantic poets, was engaged in translations (Karamzin spoke many ancient and new languages). Finding a way...

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The desire for broad education leads Karamzin to the idea of ​​a European journey. May 18, 1789 Nikolai Karamzin set off on a trip to Europe. He visited Austria, Switzerland, France, England, met with I. Kant, I. Goethe, in Paris he witnessed the events of the French Revolution. Karamzin outlined his impressions of a trip to Western European countries in Letters from a Russian Traveler.

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Letters from a Russian Traveler were published in the Moscow Journal (1791–1792), which Karamzin undertook to publish upon his return from abroad. Karamzin founded Vestnik Evropy, which became the best Russian literary magazine for a long time, where critical, journalistic, historical articles of the writer appear.

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"Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind" (1787-1789), "Moscow Journal" (1802-30) "Bulletin of Europe" (1802-03) Magazines created by N.M. Karamzin

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Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" (1792) also appeared in the Moscow Journal, which was enthusiastically accepted by contemporaries. The laconicism of the narration, the subtlety of artistic writing, the ability to make the reader an accomplice in the experiences of the characters, the spirituality and lyricism of either a gloomy, or a joyful spring, or a stormy and formidable landscape, consonant with the feelings of the author and the characters of the story, the complexity of the psychological drawing - all this was new for the Russian reader. Karamzin's story was perceived as a true story (just as it was in Germany with Goethe's The Sufferings of Young Werther); the vicinity of the Simonov Monastery, where Lisa lived and died, "Lizin's Pond" became for a long time a favorite place of pilgrimage for the educated noble public.

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Artistic direction (flow) in art and literature of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. From English. SENTIMENTAL - sensitive. "An elegant image of the basic and everyday" (P.A. Vyazemsky.) Sentimentalism

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Reform of the Russian literary language. Karamzin's language reform opposed the Lomonosov principle of "three calms". Rejecting the high syllable of classical tragedy and ode, as well as the everyday vernacular of the low one, Karamzin focused on the “middle” syllable common to all literary genres. The spoken language of an educated society, the language of the noble intelligentsia, served as the norm for him, and this made his reform half-hearted and limited. The unpolished, everyday everyday language of the people seemed to Karamzin rude and unpoetic.

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Karamzin's prose and poetry had a decisive influence on the development of the Russian literary language. Karamzin introduced many new words into the Russian language as neologisms (“charity”, “love”, “free-thinking”, “attraction”, “responsibility”, “suspiciousness”, “industry”, “refinement”, “first-class”, “humane” ), and barbarisms (“sidewalk”, “coachman”). He was also one of the first to use the letter Y. Reform of the Russian literary language. Monument to the letter Yo in Ulyanovsk

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“Karamzin transformed the Russian language, taking it off the stilts of Latin design and heavy Slavicism and bringing it closer to live, natural, colloquial speech” V.G. Belinsky “Beauty and sensitivity - that's what fascinated Karamzin” (One of the writer's contemporaries)

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Our tongue was a heavy caftan And it smelled too much of antiquity. Karamzin gave a different cut - Let the splits grumble to themselves, Everyone accepted his cut. Peter Vyazemsky.

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In the 1890s, his interest in the history of Russia increased; he gets acquainted with historical works, the main published sources: annalistic monuments, notes of foreigners, etc. The birth of an idea ... History in a sense is the sacred book of peoples: the main, necessary; a mirror of their being and activity; the tablet of revelations and rules; the covenant of ancestors to posterity; addition, explanation of the present and an example of the future. From the Preface to the "History of the Russian State"

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The poetic image of Liza is drawn as the embodiment of diligence, modesty, disinterested, artless gullibility and selflessness. She is a devoted daughter, tenderly caring for her mother. This is the first heroine in Russian literature who, forgetting about duty and reason, went towards her feelings. The poetic image of Liza is drawn as the embodiment of diligence, modesty, disinterested, artless gullibility and selflessness. She is a devoted daughter, tenderly caring for her mother. This is the first heroine in Russian literature who, forgetting about duty and reason, went towards her feelings. The creation of "History ..." Karamzin's idea to create a work on the history of Russia appeared in June 1803. In October 1803, Karamzin obtained from Alexander I the appointment of a historiographer with a pension of 2,000 rubles. for writing Russian history. Libraries and archives were opened for him. Initially, Karamzin planned to write the entire work in 5-6 years, covering the period from antiquity to the formation of the Romanov dynasty, but in 1808 it became clear that the work turned out to be more difficult than expected ... Until the last day of his life, Karamzin was busy writing The History of the Russian State. In this work, the writer created a gallery of the characters of the Russian people: princes, peasants, generals, heroes of numerous battles "for the Russian land."

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The poetic image of Liza is drawn as the embodiment of diligence, modesty, disinterested, artless gullibility and selflessness. She is a devoted daughter, tenderly caring for her mother. This is the first heroine in Russian literature who, forgetting about duty and reason, went towards her feelings. History of the Russian State "History of the Russian State" is a multi-volume work by N. M. Karamzin describing Russian history from the time of the Scythians, Slavs to the time of Ivan the Terrible and the Time of Troubles. Twelve volumes of the "History of the Russian State" were created over 21 years - from the beginning of 1804 to the spring of 1826. His book caused an unprecedented public outcry, which contributed to the formation of civic consciousness in Russia. In addition, Karamzin's work gave a powerful impetus to the development of historical science.

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The poetic image of Liza is drawn as the embodiment of diligence, modesty, disinterested, artless gullibility and selflessness. She is a devoted daughter, tenderly caring for her mother. This is the first heroine in Russian literature who, forgetting about duty and reason, went towards her feelings. The ancient history of Russia was being written, and the modern history was seething nearby ... On December 14, 1825, Karamzin witnessed an uprising on Senate Square. Having caught a cold on the streets of St. Petersburg, he fell ill; moral suffering was added to this - faith in peace and harmony finally collapsed, a new king was on the throne, unlike the “enlightened monarch” that the historian was thinking about. Volume XII remained unfinished, but the significance of everything Karamzin did for national culture is enormous.

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Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin died in 1826 without finishing work on the 12th volume, in which he described and analyzed the events of the Time of Troubles. In 1845, a monument to Nikolai Mikhailovich was erected in Simbirsk. On the monument, along with the image of Karamzin, we see a statue of the muse of history, Clio. “We love one thing, we desire one thing: we love the Fatherland, we wish it prosperity even more than glory.” N.M. Karamzin (1815)

Explanatory note

2016, declared the Year of Nikolai Karamzin in Russia, marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of the great writer, historian, and reformer. Simbirsk land is rich in talents, one of the most brilliant is Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin.

The purpose of the presented work: to acquaint schoolchildren with the main stages of the life path and the work of our famous compatriot and countryman.

PresentationcreatedMicrosoft Office PowerPoint 2013.BasicfontCalibriskittle24, VquotesappliedfontsSegoe PrintAndKovanovic.

Technological methods were used: "interactive tape", "curtain", "sorbon". Control buttons, triggers, hyperlinks are used.

This information resource can be used at extracurricular thematic events.


The resource consists of three thematic blocks:

    The life path of N. M. Karamzin (slide 2)

    Contemporaries about N. M. Karamzin (slides 3 - 9)

    "... and we will perpetuate the past" (slide 10)

1 - 3, 10 slides - the transition is carried out along the control static arrow with the inscription "Forward".

2 slide - the technological method "curtain" was used. When you click on the information button with the topic of the section (trigger), the “curtain” is animated and a thematic block appears. By clicking on the button "Completion of work" we return to the beginning of the review. The slide shows 12 stages of the life of a writer.

3 - 9 slides (4 - 9 slides are hidden) - the "interactive tape" technique was used. Clicking on a portrait of a writer/critic via a hyperlink will take you to a slide with an enlarged image and quote. Return to the beginning of viewing is carried out by the control arrow "Back". The slide contains two information blocks.

10 slide - the technological method of "sorbonk" was used. When you click on any image (trigger), you can see the description of this object.

11 slide - sources of illustrations.

12 slide - sources of textual information.

Work with the presentation is carried out in accordance with the instructions.

slide 1

Great writers, writers, philosophers On the 250th anniversary of the birth of N.M. Karamzina Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin Extra-curricular event Vikhireva Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of biology and chemistry, MBOU "Secondary School No. VPERYO 48 named after the Hero of Russia

slide 2

The life path of N. M. Karamzin GO

slide 3

Contemporaries about N. M. Karamzin Pyotr Andreevich Alexander Vyazemsky Sergeevich Pushkin Vissarion Nikolai Grigorievich Vasilyevich Belinsky Gogol Alexander Vasily Andreevich Ivanovich Zhukovsky Herzen GO

slide 4

"...and let's perpetuate the past" The library in Simbirsk was created on 18 April 1848. The monument to the letter "Yo" was installed in Ulyanovsk on November 3 to the famous countryman in 2005. and the first Russian historiographer N. M. Karamzin. In the historical part of the city of Ulyanovsk there is a square founded in 1866 Monument Monument year. Nikolai Nikolai Some of the plantings of Mikhailovich Mikhailovich Karamzin Karamzin belong to Simbirsk in Simbirsk (Ulyanovsk). nineteenth century (Ulyanovsk). for which in 1995 the square was declared VPERYopriroda monument D

slide 5

Sources of illustrations http://website/logos in.jpg monument to Karamzin /0/K/Karamzin%20Nikolaj%20Mihajlovich%20(1766-1826)/5.jpg portrait of Karamzin /symbols/Sign-Informatio n.png "information" camera 752906.jpg Simbirsk province boarding school Shaden Preobrazhenkiy regiment http :// travel around Europe (map) family Karamzin children's magazine images/MJ_07_2003/MJ_07_2003.jpg Moscow magazine Natalia, boyar daughter http://mirrusskoyliteratury.rf/files/108/148/Pisma_russkogo_put.png Letters Russian traveler Poor Liza Marfa the Posadnitsa http:/ / old books History of the Russian state (for children) http:// History of the Russian state Karamzin's fairy tales Grave of Karamzin Vyazemsky P.A. Belinsky V.G. Herzen A.I. Pushkin A.S. Gogol N.V. Zhukovsky V.A. Ulyanovsk regional library monument to the letter Yo

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich is a man who in some way changed the concepts of people. At the age of 19, Karamzin already knew several languages ​​and freely translated the works of Shakespeare and other foreign writers. After some time, the future poet dropped out of school and began to write on his own. The presentation of "Karamzin" shows the course of his life in chronological order.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich was a man who lived and loved to study life. He traveled abroad, personally met many poets of that time. Studying the work and manuscripts of Karamzin, many researchers still find new details and reasons for controversy to this day. The presentation on the biography of Karamzin highlights the previously unmentioned secrets of the life of the famous Russian poet and cultural figure. The life and work of Karamzin is an interesting and informative material in the lessons in any class.

You can view the slides on the site website or download a presentation on the topic "Karamzin" in PowerPoint format from the link below.

Biography of Karamzin
First printed work

overseas travel
First stories
Literary youth

Created magazines
Interest in Russia
Appointment as a historiographer

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I wanted to write a lot About how a person can make Himself happy And be wise in this life. N.M. Karamzin

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N.M. Karamzin was born on December 12 (December 1 - according to the old style), 1766 in the village of Mikhailovka, Simbirsk province, into a noble family. Received a good home education; knew German, French, English, Italian. Childhood

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In 1778, at the age of 14, Karamzin was sent to Moscow and sent to the boarding school of Moscow University professor I.M. Shaden, where he studied from 1775 to 1781. At the same time he attended lectures at the university. adolescence

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In 1783, at the insistence of his father, Karamzin was appointed to the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment in St. Petersburg, but at the beginning of 1784 he retired and left first for Simbirsk, and then for Moscow. In Moscow, Karamzin met writers and writers: N.I. Novikov, A.M. Kutuzov, A.A. Petrov. Youth

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In 1801 Karamzin married Elizaveta Ivanovna Protasova. She died in 1802. In 1804, Karamzin married a second time - to the illegitimate daughter of Prince A.I. Vyazemsky Ekaterina Andreevna Kolyvanova. They had five children, the family also brought up Karamzin's daughter from her first marriage, Sophia. Family

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Emperor Alexander I, by a personal decree of October 31, 1803, bestowed on Karamzin the title of historiographer; at the same time, 2,000 rubles of annual salary were added to the title for writing a complete history of Russia. Since 1804, Karamzin began work on the "History of the Russian State", the compilation of which became his main occupation until the end of his life. In February 1818, Karamzin put the first eight volumes of The History of the Russian State on the market. Volume 9 was published in 1821, volumes 10 and 11 were published in 1824. Volume 12 was never completed (after Karamzin's death, it was published by D.N. Bludov). Already during the life of the writer, critical works appeared on his "History ...". At a later time, "History ..." was positively evaluated by A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, Slavophiles; negative - the Decembrists, V.G. Belinsky, N.G. Chernyshevsky. "History of Russian Goverment"

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The prose and poetry of Karamzin had a significant impact on the development of the Russian literary language. Karamzin introduced many new words into the Russian language - both neologisms (charity, love, free-thinking, attraction, industry, touching, humane), and borrowings (sidewalk, coachman). Karamzin was one of the first to use the letter Y. Language reform

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Prior to the publication of the first eight volumes, Karamzin lived in Moscow. As a result of the Moscow fire, Karamzin's personal library, which he had collected for a quarter of a century, perished. In 1816, Karamzin moved to St. Petersburg, where he spent the last 10 years of his life and became close to the royal family. He spent the summer in Tsarskoye Selo. In 1818, Karamzin was elected an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1824 he became a real councilor of state. Karamzin was the initiator of the organization of memorials and the erection of monuments to outstanding figures of national history, one of which was the monument to K.M. Minin and D.M. Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow (sculptor I.P. Martos, 1818). Maturity

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Karamzin's death was the result of a cold he got on December 14, 1825, and on June 3 (May 22 - O.S.), 1826, he died in St. Petersburg. He was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Death