Birds dirtied the threshold of my house, why. Folk sign "Bird. Signs about wild birds

If a bird flew into the house, then this is not a very good sign, because then someone may die this year. The bird is a symbol of the spirit of deceased relatives who are trying to warn the household about the impending disaster. However, a flown bird is not always to death, sometimes it's just some kind of news. But only if she flew into the window and immediately flew back.

Ravens have never been loved and have always been feared, and for good reason, because according to the sign, if this bird circles over the house, then this is to death or a serious illness. But not always a raven is bad, for example, if they croak long and mournfully, then it will soon rain. And if a raven bathes in the yard - unfortunately.

But if a dove got into a house where there is a free girl, then this is not at all a reason to grieve, but rather rejoice. According to ancient beliefs, a dove portends a quick wedding. In general, these birds were very loved, as they usually foreshadowed only good things. For example, if a dove walks on the porch, on the windowsill, or on the balcony, then there will never be serious quarrels, troubles and misfortunes in this house. After all, it is a symbol of family well-being. In addition, if the dove did not come to you with an empty beak, then harmony and joy will reign in your house. And, here, if a white dove flies around the house - a sign of imminent death.

When a bird knocks on the window, especially a titmouse, this is good news. However, be careful, because if it is a crow or even worse than a crow, then the news will be bad.

The next sign is also associated with a tit. It is believed that if this bird sat on your hand, then you must immediately make a wish. If after that she is silent, then nothing will come true, if, on the contrary, she voiced, then be sure that the conceived will come true.

A sparrow, who flew into the house of an unmarried woman, also spoke of an imminent wedding. However, this will only come true if the bird chirps and flies away. In other cases, this is for the news. If sparrows have built nests above the house, then the future husband will soon appear in the house.

Magpie is always deceit or gossip. So, if this bird jumps on the porch or on the balcony, then the owners of this house will either be slandered or embroiled in intrigues. But she did not always portend trouble, since they used to believe that if a magpie sits on the roof of a house where there is a patient, then this is for his speedy recovery.

The stork, according to superstition, brings only joy and happiness to the house. It is not for nothing that when asked by children where he was born, they say that the stork brought them. And all because if this bird builds a nest near the house, then its owners will be happy all their lives, and they will also know neither poverty, nor bitter tears, nor serious losses.

Until now, many are frightened by a dead bird found in their yard, however, according to popular beliefs, such an event can bring only minor losses. But, they were attentive to the fact if they found a dead tit, which always personified happiness. Indeed, in this case, happiness in the house will disappear for a long time, and laughter will change to tears.

An owl hoots loudly near the house about the imminent addition to the family. This is also evidenced by a flock of crows or magpies that soar above the roof. However, if one crow or magpie soars over the roof, this is a deception and betrayal. But if a lot of jackdaws and crows come together on the roof, then there will soon be a wedding in this house.

We all know from childhood that if you hear a cuckoo, you must definitely ask her: "Cuckoo, cuckoo, how long do I have left to live?" However, as it turned out, there are several more signs associated with this bird. For example, if you hear it near your house, then this is the death of one of the household members. If you just hear the cuckoo, then you need to have time to ask not only a well-known question, but also ring a trifle in your pocket, they say - this is to wealth and wealth. It’s bad if you hear this bird on an empty stomach, because then it will be a misfortune.

But since ancient times, the swallow has been considered a symbol of good luck and success, so if suddenly this bird made a nest under the roof of a residential building, then its inhabitants tried to protect it. After all, if this event happened, it means a good wife and a good atmosphere in the house. But when this bird abruptly left the nest, then this is only to bad weather and troubles. This also applies to storks, if they leave the nest that they made on the pipe of the house, then soon there will be a fire or poverty.

Three seagulls flying overhead at the same time is a warning of death.

An eagle hovering overhead is a harbinger of happiness and a major victory.

The woodpecker is hammering the roof of the house - to be in trouble.

For a long time, people with the help of signs about birds predicted changes in the weather, joyful or sad events on their life path. Even the ancient Greeks tried to look into the future by the flights of birds. In ancient Rome, there were even specially trained interpreters of the behavior of birds. Let's figure out which birds and signs you need to listen to especially.

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Signs about the cuckoo

Since ancient times, the cuckoo has been considered a messenger of the gods. The British attached particular importance to it. There is a sign here: when you hear her voice for the first time in a year, pay attention to your wallet. Filled with coins - you will live in wealth all next year.

The people of Wales believed that if a woman heard a bird chirping after April 6, she would be very happy. A lonely woman will soon meet her betrothed, a married woman should expect the birth of a child. If the bird is heard before this day, troubles may interfere with the plans.

In the territory of ancient England, fortune-telling for girls with the help of this feathered one was common. Early in the morning you need to go out into the forest and, having heard the cuckooing, look into the left shoe. It was believed that there would definitely be hair. Look at the color - this color will be the hair of the future husband. In Norfolk, they were convinced that for a year you would have to do the business that the bird's voice caught you doing.

The Slavs also have many legends associated with cuckoos. For example, when you hear it, you need to shake your wallet with money. This sound will help attract wealth.

The voice of the bird on the left side - good luck will accompany for a long time. Of course, everyone knows the most popular superstition - how many times the cuckoo crows, so many years have been allotted to you. If you hear behind your back, illness and trouble are not ruled out.

Folk omens - swallows and titmouse

Swallows and titmouse are considered good neighbors by many nationalities. People said that if you regularly feed the birds, then life will be happy and comfortable.

The appearance of swallows and tits on the window indicates a possible meeting with old friends, receiving very important good news. The British still believe that if someone kills a male tit, some part of the body will be damaged in the coming year.

Owl superstitions

The Slavs believed that owls bring bad luck. Perhaps they were frightened by the fact that the birds are active at night, move inaudibly and make frightening sounds.

In Christianity, there is a myth that tells that Christ once appeared in a tavern and asked for a piece of bread. The hostess put the dough in the oven, but her very greedy daughter nibbled off most of it. What was her surprise when the left small piece increased in size and began to resemble a large pie.

The surprised greedy girl was turned into an owl with bulging eyes. Since then, the appearance of such a neighbor does not prophesy anything positive. Many are convinced that it attracts poverty, others assure - a fire.

There is also a very good sign about an owl. The cry of a bird near the house indicates that children will soon appear there.

Beliefs about peacocks

The noble graceful peacock is often associated with problems. The British were convinced: if the feather of this bird gets into the room, then the owners will face hardships and illnesses.

The appearance of a spectator in a hat decorated with peacock feathers portends a complete failure. Perhaps some of the actors will be in trouble. But the belief did not apply to dancers.

It is likely that such signs about birds have come down to our days from ancient Greece and Rome. Here it was believed that only priestesses of the goddess Hera (Juno) were allowed to touch the peacock. The peacock was recognized as a special bird: if a commoner touched the plumage, the death penalty awaited him.

What do seagulls warn about?

Many are convinced that the seagull prophesies illness, resentment, even death. But this superstition can be easily explained. During the reign of Charles I, the rebels hid in the swamps, where white birds lived.

People frightened the birds, as a result they started screaming, flew up and, without knowing it, betrayed the rebels. As a result, everyone who went against the king was executed.

Notes about poultry

Speaking of folk signs and superstitions about birds, one cannot but mention domestic feathered friends. It was believed that the rooster drives away evil spirits and evil forces. His crowing at sunrise notifies that you can no longer be afraid of black magic and dark forces.

If the roosters do not crow at the usual time, this indicates that you will soon receive important news. There was a common fortune-telling at Maslenitsa - a big pancake was thrown to the rooster. If you ate it completely, then it foreshadowed troubles and problems.

The rooster pecked the pancake only a couple of times - the year will be successful. A fight of chickens - to the arrival of relatives. When the quotes fuss throughout the night, problems are not ruled out.

Important superstitions about ravens, doves, storks

From ancient times, superstitions about pigeons, crows, sparrows and storks, which were considered messengers of higher powers, have come down to our days. Ancestors tried to interpret their behavior.

Birds are unique creatures. From them you can find out about upcoming events, weather changes and so on. Do not ignore the storehouse of wisdom of our ancestors, use ancient signs.

A resident of a modern metropolis is constantly in a hurry somewhere and no longer pays attention to the surrounding nature. Who among us will observe the animals or birds that live nearby? Many do not even think about the fact that signs about birds really work! But, by the way, these are signs sent to us by fate. Do not ignore folk signs and superstitions about birds, because they came to us from ancient times and have been tested many times.

The image of a soaring bird in ancient times was considered a symbol of the immortal human soul. There was a belief that strong magicians could, at will, take the form of a feathered one. At the same time, evil sorcerers most often transformed into crows, gulls or owls, and stronger light magicians turned into eagles or falcons.

Did a bird knock on your window?

The appearance of signs is explained quite simply. After a bird flew to the window of the house, a person notices that he is having problems. Our distant predecessors believed that such coincidences were not accidental.

There is another explanation for this observation. It touches the window, not the bird. In the past, the deceased was carried out not through the door, but through the window. Hence the reason for the appearance of a bad omen: a bird is knocking on the window - which means that the messenger is coming from the dead.

Biologists with similar folk experience can argue. Often the bird flies up to the windows in search of food. So, for example, a tit knocking on the window simply symbolizes a lack of food, and not a lot of adversity for someone's house. Feed the bird and you'll be fine!

If the birds knock on the windows with their beak, take a look at your child (if the baby is growing up in the house). For a long time there has been an opinion that children under the age of 7 distinguish between the dead. When a child is happy with a bird, there is nothing to be afraid of, and if he gets upset or cries, expect trouble. But it’s not worth just sitting and relying on fate, it’s better to take appropriate measures.

Remember that chasing a bird from the windowsill is unacceptable! Treat her with the words:

Option number two - attached to the window. She will remove any negativity that a flying messenger could bring to your house.

Cuckoo - folk signs about birds

Our Slavic ancestors were not the only ones who knew that the cuckoo was God's messenger. The inhabitants of Wales had no doubt that a bird cooing after the sixth of April was a good sign for a girl in whose life an important event would soon take place. Cuckooing before April 6, on the contrary, was considered a bad sign.

The inhabitants of old England believed that if, during the first cuckoo call of the year, you keep a purse full of money with you, then during the year it will accompany. Local girls, with the help of this bird, guessed at their chosen one. Early in the morning they hurried out into the street and, hearing cuckooing, took off their left shoe from their feet and looked into it. According to legend, a man's hair lay there. His color had to match the color of the betrothed's hair.

Folk signs about the raven bird

Many ancient signs are associated with this sinister bird. The cry of a raven usually portends grief, loss, illness, and sometimes death. According to our ancestors, a raven circling and croaking over a dwelling is a bad sign. The flying messenger called out trouble on the heads of all households.

What will swallows and titmouse tell about

Many superstitions are associated with these pretty birds. Popular rumor says - ruined the swallow's nest - expect trouble! Titmouse were also supposed to live in peace. After all, they not only bring good luck, but also exterminate harmful insects in gardens and orchards.

Signs assure that the one who feeds these birds will be lucky and successful. A swallow knocking on the window is a messenger of good news! A tit beating through the window announces an imminent meeting with a good person or with an old friend. Superstitious Englishmen believe that the killer of a titmouse will certainly receive a severe fracture of any limb.

Owl portends misfortune?

In a modern person, an owl can cause tenderness. Indeed, the bird looks very cute, and most of us have a desire to pet it. However, in the old days it was believed that the owl (especially its cry) brings misfortune. There is nothing to be surprised here, the predator has a nocturnal lifestyle, it is distinguished by a silent flight and the ability to emit a disturbing hoot. All of the above could inspire fear in a person living in ancient times.

There are many legends about owls. One of them tells how a wandering sage sorcerer once asked for a piece of bread in a roadside tavern. The hostess put the dough in the oven, and her daughter was greedy and tore off a piece of dough.

The small piece left in the oven began to grow incredibly in size until it turned into a huge cake. The greedy daughter was amazed at what she saw, and was immediately turned by the sorcerer for her vile character into an owl with goggled eyes in amazement.

The appearance of an owl usually did not bode well. Many people believe that the nocturnal predator with its cry warns of a fire to be expected. There are those who think that a bird sitting on the roof drives wealth away from the house. But there are also good signs associated with these birds. Some peoples have a belief - the hooting of an owl near the house portends the birth of a child.

There are many signs of birds. For example, our ancestors believed that the house in which pigeons live would never burn down. Whoever has pigeons in his yard, his household is in full swing, that is, it abounds.

At the same time, a bird flying through the window most often predicted misfortune.

However, it all depends on the type of bird flying through the window. According to popular beliefs, a dove flying through the window portends good news, a swallow - a wedding, but a tit - illness or death. But still, most of the bird signs relate to the weather.

Bird signs for rain

Finch rumbling - to the rain. The finch sits quietly, quietly, monotonously sings - to the rain. A large woodpecker taps a bough with its beak on a fine summer day - be rain. Seagulls swim a lot - unfortunately.

You will not hear a capercaillie a few days before a bad weather. Pigeons cooing - to the bucket, hiding - the weather is getting worse.

Rooks hover high in flocks and descend like an arrow to the ground - it will rain. Rooks in flocks with a cry hover over the nests, then sit down, then take off again - wait for the weather to change.

On a fine spring evening, woodcocks do not “pull” - expect bad weather. Thrush screams sharply in bad weather.

If suddenly in the middle of summer swifts disappear from the city - wait for a lingering rain. If poultry do not hide from the rain, then it will be for a long time. Cranes fly low and fast, silently - bad weather will come soon.

The oriole on a sunny day makes sounds reminiscent of a flute melody, and before the weather worsens, it screams piercingly.

The heart-rending cry in dry weather of homebodies - jackdaws - is also a sure sign of rain in both summer and autumn.

The larks are sitting, ruffled, - to a thunderstorm. Kites are circling in the air, their drawn-out “pee-and-it” is heard - before bad weather.

Partridges, black grouse are removed from the trees and fly away from open places into the depths of the forest - wait for the storm.

In the summer, before the rain, rooks often “graze” on the grass than on roads and plowing. The owl screams at night - to rain and cold. Owls and quails call before the rain.

The pheasant sits on tree branches in the evening - a dry, quiet night, hides in the bushes - rain and wind.

Seagulls on the shore raise a hubbub - to bad weather. Seagulls remain on the shore and roam with a squeak among the coastal cliffs or sandbanks - soon there will be a storm.

Blackbirds begin to whistle piercingly, hide - there will be a storm, rain.

Jackdaws and crows perched on the lower branches of trees - wait for the wind. Before rain, the hooded crow usually perches on a bough or hedge, puffs up, hunches over, lowers its wings, and sits like an ancient old woman.

Sitting and croaking. The raven flies and croaks - to the rain.

Bird tips for good weather

A seagull walks on the sand - it promises melancholy to a sailor, a seagull sat on the water - wait for good weather. Seagulls fly far into the sea - to the bucket. If seagulls land on the water, on the mast or rigging of the ship, there will be good stable weather.

Seabirds land on the water - for good weather.

Larks walk around the field - to clear, good weather. Notes on birds. The lark sings - to clear weather. Before the warmth, the bird in the cage sings more cheerfully.

Cranes fly high in autumn - to good weather. By dry, clear and warm weather, capercaillie, like many other birds, sit on the very tops of trees. .

By clear and dry weather, larks sing a lot and for a long time, but if they are not heard from the very dawn, it will rain. Kulik flies to the field - to clear weather.

Swallows and swifts fly high above the ground - tomorrow without rain. The swans leave the polynyas and disperse along the ponds - to heat.

Swifts flying high above the buildings until late twilight are a sign of the preservation of warm good weather.

When capercaillie mating on a rainy morning, one can hope for an improvement in the weather. The nightingale sings all night - before a fine, sunny day.

The lapwing flies low - to prolonged dry weather, calls in the evening - to clear weather.

Bird tips for spring

Early crowing of roosters in severe frosts is a harbinger of warm weather. The bullfinch under the window chirps - to the thaw. The white wagtail - a recognized harbinger of ice drift - always arrives on the eve of the opening of the rivers.

Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard. The rook has arrived - in a month the snow will come down. The seagull flew in - soon the ice will go.

The rooks arrived before March 14 - the snow will melt early. Rooks fly right to the old nests - there will be a friendly spring, hollow water will run away all at once. The rooks arrived early - by the warm spring.

The lark sang - it's time to go to the arable land. When the nightingale sang in mid-May, spring will come together. A migratory bird flies together - and spring will be friendly. Early arrival of cranes - by early spring.

Bird signs for frost, cold snap, snow

Jackdaws gather in large flocks and scream loudly - for clear weather, in winter - for frost.

If a magpie flies close to housing and climbs under the roof, there will be a blizzard. If the cranes went south on John the Baptist (September 11), wait for early winter.

The finch flies away - wait for a cold snap, and the lark arrives - it will be warm. Birds insulate their overnight stays on the eve of severe cold snaps. Titmouse begins to squeak in the morning - expect frost at night.

Titmouse screams in the morning - to frost. Titmouse tend to climb under the roof - to bad weather, cold, snowstorms.

Bullfinch whistles - winter is coming. The owl screams - the cold broadcasts. Black grouse and partridges fly away in winter from open places and rare copses - under the protection of boron or forest - soon a snowstorm. A few hours before a snowstorm, they hide in the snow.

Signs by birds what summer will be

Birds build their nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer. The nightingale sang - the water subsided. If you hear the nightingale before the cuckoo, the summer will be successful. If the nightingale sang on bare trees - crop failure on fruit.

Steppe harriers make nests in the steppe - the summer will be rainy, in the swamps - dry.

Signs on birds to change the weather

In summer, the great spotted woodpecker announces the change of weather with its drum roll. Birds sit on the ground - to the bucket, on the roofs - to bad weather. They sing merrily - for good weather. They hide in nests during the day - to rain.

If in winter jackdaws and crows croaked with the whole flock and sit on the tops of trees - this is to frost, and they arranged round dances in the sky and curl in the air - to snowfall; they sit on the snow - there will be a thaw.

Notes on birds


Swallows fly high for good weather and low for rain. Swallows and swifts fly up and down before a storm. The swallows have disappeared - the cold will come. A swallow catches a fish - wait for a thunderstorm. The swallows have arrived - it's time to sow peas.

Swifts fly high above buildings until the very late twilight - a sign of good weather.


The cuckoo cuckooed - mushrooms went. A cuckoo cuckoos on a dry tree - to frost. The cuckoo began to crow - there will be no frost, the old-timers say.

The prolonged cuckooing of the cuckoo indicates the establishment of warm weather and the cessation of cold matinees.


In the summer, roosters suddenly, for no reason at all, begin to crow in broad daylight, arranging a roll call throughout the village - it will rain.

On a cloudy rainy morning, roosters begin to sing - the weather clears up, there will be a bucket. The chicken flies around the hut - to the frost.

November 14, on Kosmodemyan, chicken name days: chicken on the table. Begins to shed early in the fall - by a warm winter. In severe frost, the turkey screams - a warm wind will blow.

They fly up to the highest objects - soon it will rain. Chickens pluck all the time, cackle, bathe in the sand and flap their wings - to be bad weather.

If the chickens do not hide from the rain, then it will not be strong and short-lived. Chickens twirl their tails - be a blizzard. The mother hen puts the chickens under her - to bad weather. The rooster sings in the evening - to a change in the weather.

Early crowing of roosters in frost - to a thaw. In winter, before a severe frost, chickens sit early on a perch and try to climb higher - it is warmer there.

Chicken fat drives the scab off the face. The chicken fell from the perch - to a commotion.


In frost, they flap their wings - for a thaw, for a long time splashing in a pond, flapping their wings, screaming, diligently grease their feathers - for rain.

Geese fly high - to a friendly spring flood, fly low - to low spring water.

Of migratory birds, wild geese are the first to arrive in spring. Geese and ducks bathe in the snow - for a thaw and a snowstorm. The goose will cackle in winter - to warmth.

The goose raises its paw - to the cold. The goose sits cross-legged - to the cold. If the goose presses its paw or hides its head under the wing - to the cold.

The goose stands on one leg - to the frost. The swan flies - to the snow (in late autumn), and the goose - to the rain (in early spring).


An hour or two before a storm, wild ducks begin to hide in coastal thickets, and sometimes even come ashore, where it is easier for them to hide from the wind. Wild ducks arrive in the spring fat - the spring will be long.

Wild ducks before rain and wind go to the coastal thickets for the day. Ducks and geese hide their heads under their wings - to the cold and cold. Ducks splash and dive endlessly - to be bad weather.

In the spring, upon arrival, the ducks do not cry much. If wild ducks build their nests near the water, then the coming summer will be dry, and the farther from the water, the rainier.


In winter, the sparrows shouted in unison - for a thaw, they hide - for frost or for a snowstorm, in summer they bathe in dust - for rain, they sit puffed up - before the rain, they chirp in a long bad weather - wait for the onset of clear weather.

In good weather, sparrows are cheerful, mobile, sometimes pugnacious. Sparrows gather in flocks on the ground, become lethargic, sit, ruffled - to the rain.

If sparrows suddenly begin to actively collect fluff and feathers in the middle of winter, frost will hit in a few days. Sparrows sit on trees or buildings secretly - there will be snow without wind.

Sparrows nest nests - to the bucket. Sparrows hide under the eaves - to a strong wind. Sparrows hide in shelters or climb into heaps of brushwood - in the cold or in a snowstorm. Cheerful sparrow - to the bucket.

Sparrows climbed early under the roof - by the rain. If sparrows fly in flocks or sit in flocks - to a warm snowstorm or rain, that is, to warming. They fly in flocks - to dry fine days.

Sparrows chirp together - to heat, in winter - to snow. Sparrows fly near the water - to the rain.


If on Plato and Roman (December 1) a crow walks along the road - to heat. Raven bathes in spring and summer - to heat and rain. A crow croaks in summer - to rain, in winter - to a blizzard.

Crows soar into the clouds - to bad weather, crest - to bad weather. Crows gather in a flock in winter, croak and shout - wait for snow or frost.

Crows and jackdaws hover in the air in winter - before the snow. Crows and jackdaws start a game with a cry - to the thaw.

The crows sit down somehow, with their heads in different directions - a windless warm night, they sat down with their heads in one direction, but on a thicker bough - there will be a strong wind from the side where their heads are.

Crows walk with their mouths open - before a thunderstorm. Crows frolic - winter will still stand. Crows fly low - to the cold; fly high - to the heat. Crows pluck - to the rain.

Our ancestors believed that birds, among all representatives of the animal world, symbolize spirituality, have a strong connection with heaven and earth. In ancient times, they were harbingers of bad or good events. Let's find out what signs about birds exist and what they promise us.


As popular superstitions say, to see an Eagle, a Kite or a Hawk falling in the garden means a great threat to the life of pets or children.

If a bird of prey enters your yard and screams, expect trouble and big trouble.

A kite sitting on a church cross, according to some beliefs, portends great luck, according to others - a great misfortune.

Eagles or kites are digging the ground in your area - beware of bad and envious people.


Folk signs about birds have different interpretations, depending on their type and behavior:

  1. If a wild bird hovers over your head, you will be betrayed or betrayed by a loved one.
  2. When an Eagle flies over a person’s head, such a sign indicates that he will soon achieve his goal.
  3. A flock of wild birds flying towards you suggests that you will be accompanied by success and good luck.
  4. Hearing the singing of the Nightingale is a matter that at that moment was thought to be successful.
  5. Owl or Owl screams at your house - wait for an addition to the family. It can be not only the birth of a child, but also the offspring of animals.
  6. Wagtail. The beauty of this little bird is admired by many. To see her on a tree, in the yard, on the porch or on the roof - a sign portends you happy events. If you happen to find a dead wagtail, be careful what you do and say. They can bring you trouble.
  7. I saw how Jay (mockingbird) fluttered over your head - it means that a happy period in life will begin soon. For many, it is associated with the blue bird of happiness. If she flutters all the time near your house or on the site, do not leave and follow her. She will show you the right path to happiness.
  8. Hoopoe often flies into your garden - expect great luck in both personal and financial affairs. Weaves a nest in the garden - be careful about your expenses. Do not try to drive him away, otherwise the financial problems will become even greater.


The people have different signs associated with poultry.

  • the rooster crows at the owners right on the doorstep or in front of him - there will be guests soon;
  • mother hens behave anxiously and cannot fall asleep in the evening - troubles, empty chores and quarrels with neighbors await you;
  • a goose that suddenly disappeared from the yard portends the owner of big troubles;
  • bad events are evidenced by a goose that laid only two eggs.

If suddenly a parrot flew into the apartment through a window or front door, you will find a big financial profit. For such a sign to come true, do not drive her away, but rather feed and shelter her.

If a parrot died in a cage - not good. This is a sign that soon there will be trouble in your family.

There is another old belief among the people - if there is at least one black individual in a flock of poultry, this means that such a house is under reliable protection from evil spirits.


Folk superstitions and signs about city birds have different meanings.


Almost all popular beliefs about birds flying into a house or apartment through a window indicate that news awaits a person. With swifts, the situation is slightly different.

If a swift flew into a house or apartment and immediately flew out, good news awaits you. To see how the swift beats against the glass and rushes around the apartment is bad news. If the swift breaks, this is a kind of warning of trouble.


If a magpie sits on the windowsill and does not fly away for a long time, then the one who is sick in the family will soon recover.

A sign speaks of a speedy recovery when the magpie actively jumps on the roof of the house, on the windowsill or on the balcony.


Most often, folk signs about ravens have a negative meaning:

  • if a crow has flown in, hovers over you and croaks - expect big trouble;
  • crows scream and circle over the church - someone will die soon in your area;
  • to see on the way home how he sits on a stone - an unpleasant guest will soon appear;
  • sits against the sun on the roof of your house and screams - you are in trouble at work;
  • a flock of crows flying out of the forest - there will be a lean year;
  • noticed how one crow feeds another - rejoice, such a phenomenon promises you great luck and success;
  • a mass gathering and the cry of ravens near the house - to a quarrel with a friend;
  • to see a dead crow - betrayal from loved ones awaits you.


In most cases, it is a harbinger of good events.

If a dove or dove flew over you and touched it with its wing, you can safely start your planned business, it will be successful.

If a dove flew into the house through ventilation, the long-awaited guests will soon arrive or receive news from close relatives.

Sow a nest under a roof or on a balcony - such a person will find great happiness and wealth.

A dove knocks on the window - expect pleasant and cheerful guests.


There are several folk signs about swallows:

  1. Dead in an apartment or in a house - only sorrows and tears await the owner.
  2. If she died on the street and met on your way - good luck for the whole year.
  3. A flying flock of swallows is always a harbinger of good events. Flew over your head - expect great luck in financial matters. If the flock flies on the housing of the newlyweds, then they will live in love and harmony all their lives.
  4. If a swallow sits on your head, your wish will certainly come true.
  5. The bird crashed into the car by accident - a person will face big financial losses. After the impact, the windshield cracked - a big crack will go into your personal and financial affairs (strife, misunderstandings, waste, etc.).
  6. Knocking down a swallow's nest or stepping on it in your own room or near it means calling trouble on your house. The people believed that after such an act a fire occurs.
  7. To catch and deliberately kill a swallow is a sign of depriving oneself of joy. Inadvertently cause harm - endanger your own well-being.
  8. We saw how she builds a nest in your yard, rejoice and put your hands to her - soon you will become a happy person. To keep her in your yard, try to disturb her less.
  9. A dead or injured swallow fell to the ground right at your feet - one of your relatives will get very sick.

weather notes

Folk signs on birds help determine the weather. There are many such beliefs. The most popular of them:

  1. If in the spring a magpie nested high on a tree, the weather will be clear and calm for a month. If it is located low, spring frosts are coming.
  2. Pigeons bathe in a puddle - so the day will be warm and sunny.
  3. If by spring swallows fly high in the sky - signs say the weather will be good, low above the ground - most likely it will rain.
  4. The woodpecker knocks on the trunk in winter - it will soon snow.
  5. If sparrows hide their heads under their wings at the end of autumn, the first frosts will soon begin. If they swim in puddles, expect warm weather.
  6. A nightingale sings for several evenings in a row - expect strong and gusty winds in the coming days.
  7. In winter, during a thaw, they swim in the water - expect a slight and short-term warming.
  8. A lot of crows gathered at the pond - expect inclement weather (storm, downpour, hurricane).
  9. A flock of kites rush about in the sky and scream - wait for inclement weather.

The meaning of negative signs

The worst thing is death. There are different signs about birds in this regard among the people.

It doesn’t matter if she died in a chimney, drainpipe or ventilation - the sign does not bode well, only trouble. Accidentally knocking down on the road is a warning sign that you should reconsider your life and change something in it.

If she died at your doorstep, be careful in dealing with strangers, perhaps there are ill-wishers among them. Bury it in the garden to neutralize the negative signs about birds.

She suffered, but did not die, take her gently with your hands, bring her home and try to save her. Then in your house there will always be comfort, prosperity and happiness.

Signs related to the cemetery

A bird sits on a grave or on its cross, you need to look where its tail is directed - trouble will happen in that direction.

Folk signs about birds say that if it flies in and sits on the fence, the deceased person gives you a sign that he is doing well.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Shvedova - Two signs about birds of harbingers of misfortune

A bird flew out the window - is it a good or bad omen?

Other signs

Among all the existing superstitions, folk signs about birds that love to cheat on us are the most popular.

The bird slanders people to great luck and money. The omen has the same meaning if you saw her litter on your car.

As popular superstitions say, if a bird flew in and marked your work or service uniform, wait for a promotion.

If she behaves anxiously and knocks on your window, expect news and most likely bad news. Such a messenger should not be driven away. Also, you should not let him in and keep him in the house, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided.


As you can see, folk beliefs associated with birds bring people different news and changes in life. Believe in them or not - it's up to you.