Luula viilma is better to be than to seem healthy, happy, lucky. Parable, legend “Better to be than to seem Any experience is necessary, because it teaches

Here it is, the first truth of the mysterious art To be youreself. "Better be than seem”- this is how you can briefly express it in the words of the motto of the great Renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe. This is the ability to recognize, distinguish everywhere and in everything first from second.

Even in our crazy world, it is not so difficult to learn to recognize the false and the real, if, like a boy from a fairy tale, something genuine, pure and sincere still lives in ourselves, in our own soul. Everyone knows that you can’t deceive a child and an animal, their soul will always feel falsehood and react to it, even if you hide it behind nine locks, behind numerous masks ... It’s just that a child and an animal themselves don’t know how to pretend, pretend, seem to be alone, but the essence of being different - if they already love, they love so much, if they already remain faithful, then forever and in spite of everything, if they already know the world, Nature, life, then to the end, because it is important, necessary and interesting ... In the soul of each many similar authentic qualities live in us, thanks to which we can, because we ourselves have lived it, recognize everything genuine - in other people, in Nature, in life, in ourselves. All this is possible if you only want to, if only once again you do not follow the nature of the consumer, which has taken root in us so firmly - a nature that seeks self-interest everywhere and benefits from everything, and even at any cost and in any way.

To remain human in any situation and under any circumstances, no matter what happens to us and no matter what happens around. Do not do what our conscience, our heart, our soul do not approve of. Return to your essence - to genuine, natural needs, qualities and criteria of the soul and heart, to all internal springs who give us this immediacy, purity and sincerity of the child in relation to the world around him, events and other people. Do not lose your human dignity, your soul, your heart... These are just a few tips on how not to forget yourself and remain authentic, like be human, not seem them.

It's not that hard if you remember the old truth: like always attracts like. After all, even in our crazy modern world not everything is as black as it seems.

It’s just that we often fall into another modern trap, we fly to another “honey”, which this time is offered to us by the media, striving to ensure that more “flies” flock to the TV, read newspapers - “rating is most important!”. After all, they tell us mostly about the bad, about the “black”, about the terrible, about the fried, scandalous, so that the light could not be seen. There is a good reason: the bright, kind and “good” are much less interested, “but you need to earn a living, however!”.

Only, before we again flock to this "honey" and agree that everything is bad in this world, it would be good for us to understand: even if king naked, then this does not mean that all naked- the whole people, the whole country, the whole life, the whole Nature, the whole Universe!!! Don't generalize, it's not fair! There has always been, is and will be a lot of good, bright, genuine in the world, and there has always been, is and will be, for what and for whom to live - whoever needs it will find it! And to stay yourself You need to have something solid to hold on to. We must by any means look for those Light and Good that we have long ceased to see! The darker the tunnel, the greater the need, the reasons, and even the likelihood of finding the Light.

This is very important, because we have touched the second truth of the mysterious art To be youreself. And this can be learned from Nature: from trees, plants, birds. A tree always reaches for the light, for the sun, no matter what soil the seed from which it grew has fallen on, and, if necessary, will overcome any obstacles, just to reach for the light. I know a tree that grew from a seed that fell into the basement of an old, collapsed house, but it even broke through the roof of the house with its branches, so it strove for air and light! He has such a beautiful crown! Birds nest in it, and life has returned to the roof of the old ruin! When, driven by the same powerful craving for light, a fragile chamomile breaks through the asphalt, and a small seed lets out the first green sprout from the ground, they do it because they follow the call of their nature, the law of their existence, because they cannot otherwise.

Something similar happens with the human soul. A powerful craving for Light lives in us - for goodness and love, for truth and justice, for wisdom, happiness, for values ​​that are not fleeting, but durable. The law of human existence can be described as the mighty call of Eternity, the call of God. Our soul is like a bird - even if you break its wings, it is still born to fly, and not crawl on the ground, it will still reach for the sky, for flights, for endless distances. Lock a bird in a cage, even a golden one, and her soul will slowly die, even if you feed and feed her, even if she sings to you ... The reason is simple: she lost herself, because they took away the sky from her, took away the ability to fly, follow the call of his nature… A man treated her cruelly… But often a man treats his own soul and the souls of other people just as cruelly.

But unlike a bird, a person is not as helpless as it seems. If he loses himself and does not follow the call of his soul, it is rather not because of someone else's cruelty (even when it really is), but because of his own passivity, inertia, laziness and fear.

Everything is bad, black around you, in you? So do something, look for light, look for goodness, look for truth, look for love, look for beauty, look for a cherished dream - if you really need all this, if your soul is drawn to them as much as a tree is drawn to light, to the sun! If you think that you can sit in your corner, complain that everything is bad, and wait for all the goodness of this world to descend into your small cell, you are building illusions! But who else will fit there, except for your beloved?!

It is easy to believe when there is someone, when everyone around believes, and when there is evidence that one can believe, but then what are your efforts? It's easy to be friends when you have someone and when all the people around are kind, everyone helps you, - and then what is your merit? It is easy to love when there is someone around, when all the people around you love, understand and you bathe in someone else's warmth. It's easy to shout "hooray" when you're harvesting from seeds that someone else has sown. It is easy to shout "eureka" when you walk along the roads that someone else has built, and admire the wonders of the universe, which someone else, with their enthusiasm, with their sweat and blood, pulled out of the ground.

mysterious art To be youreself, follow your heart calls for people from a different test. You first find it yourself, clear the path yourself, show it yourself, prove it to people - just when everything is not so obvious, when everything around says otherwise ... This is well described by the motto of the Roman legionnaires: "Either I will find the road, or I will pave it myself."

They say: "No one can be trusted" - and you show that you can be trusted, your words, eyes, deeds, battles, your joy and your pain. And also show that you yourself believe sincerely and strongly that there are people, ideas, dreams worth believing in them. And then you will certainly find them, and they will certainly find you, because .

“There is no true love, friendship, fidelity in this world”? - And you do not agree, even if everything around testifies to this, - love yourself, strongly, disinterestedly! Responsible for your love with your soul, heart, thought, deeds, stay true to it, to people, to your vows and cravings of the heart, and you will find other people who live the same way, and they will find you, because like attracts like.

"This dream is a crazy, unrealizable, impossible utopia"? - If your heart felt that this is a good thing, necessary and will benefit people, - let others say what they want, let them doubt, let them scoff, let them criticize, let them put spokes in the wheels ... And you do not give up, dream deeply and strongly, work tirelessly, do not ask anyone for anything, believe and hope - show that you can work purely and selflessly, show that there are idealists in this world, and your fire will be passed on! .. You will find people just like you - and they will find you, because like attracts like.

“There is no compassion, no one will extend a helping hand, there is no one to intercede for the suffering, the weak, the infirm”? - And you keep quiet and help, modestly, generously, out of the kindness of your heart, without pathos and without shouting about it in the streets! And others will find you, as kind as you, and you will help together, because like attracts like.

"There is no harmony and beauty"? - Search, live by them, if you want - you will find or you will pave the way yourself! “There is no wisdom, knowledge, skill”? - Search, live by them, if you want - you will find or you will pave the way yourself!

“There is no meaning in this life, there is no truth, there is no God”? - Search, live by them, if you want - you will find or you will pave the way yourself! In truth, they will find you themselves if your soul reaches out to them like a tree reaches out to the light. Because like attracts like.

If you want To be youreself, look for what gives meaning to your life, what is dearest to you in the world, and live it every day. If you want - you will find or you will pave the way because you cannot do otherwise, because it is natural for you, because it is the law of your soul, heart, mind, the meaning of your existence.

To be youreself- this is a special kind of deep FAITH in the Good, in the Light, in the True in any of their manifestations, because the soul cannot live without them. Whatever happens in you and around you, wherever life takes you, you always have a core that no one can break or take away - you have something to look for and something to return to, there is something to fight and live for . This is what the wise saying is about: “Whatever happens, do not lose hope, there is always God in this world, and there are always people with a kind and wise heart.” If you are believe and live what you believe, you are a genuine, sincere, natural person - this is the essence of mysterious art To be youreself.

Times do not choose, it's true. But even in this crazy world, each of us chooses what he wants to believe, what he wants to live, and what he wants to fight for. This is our misfortune, but also our hope, our salvation. In our crazy world, no matter how we take up arms against it, there is God and bright, kind, wise, amazing people. We create our own environment with the same choice.- by their faith, their dreams and their battles or lack of them, because like attracts like.

For a person who wants to master the mysterious art To be youreself, this should already be enough.

"Light Flame" (a thriller for two) - the story is written in the genre of "montage novel", a lyrical, intellectual narrative. The story of a girl, Masha, who has known two young people, Kirill and Slavka, since childhood. She has been in love with Slavka from the very moment when they met on the seaside, in Jurmala, and with Cyril, a young man from a “good” family, she is brought together by fate, everyday fuss and life's vicissitudes. The real world and the invented, virtual world, their interaction. Memories of the 90s in the Northern capital, a story about trips to the United States of America, Tunisia, London, Amsterdam. Sometimes the heroine does not understand when she communicates with Cyril, and when the image of Slavka appears before her eyes. In his interviews, the author writes that “the Japanese writer H. Murakami did this in one of his novels”: the reader will have to find out whether the main character had this most important meeting at the end of the book or not. The effect of unexpected flashbacks and a detective story, a beautiful embodiment of the game and the power of consciousness.

Audrey Karlan

calendar girl. Better to be than to seem

© Calendar Girl – July / August / September by Audrey Carlan, 2015

Copyright © 2015 Waterhouse Press, LLC

© Zonis Y., translation, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017


Rose Macanulty

July is dedicated to you, my Puerto Rican princess. Thank you for making sure that the Puerto Rican dialect and Puerto Rican culture in this book is authentic and true to the spirit of the characters. Thank you for being an amazing member of my team and support group, but most of all for being my friend. BESOS, Angel.

Kathy McLean Beal

August is dedicated to you.

In a sea of ​​strangers, you found me, offered me your friendship, smile and sharpest sense of humor. I will never forget how memorable you made my first meeting with colleagues. No way in the world... I won't forget you.


Karin Roma

September is dedicated to you, my Australian friend. Your reviews are always honest, whether you liked the book or not. And yet you never stopped believing in me.

Ultimately, I believe that constructive criticism makes me work harder and strive to be better. You make me better.

Thank you Angel.

Chapter first

Blonde. Blue eyed. High. Goddess. Jesus and all his followers! The universe must have been laughing out loud at me as I stood like a pillar looking at this model-looking woman. She looked like Rachel's indignantly perfect sister, and I thought Rachel had an amazing appearance. And here it is not. A 100% miss.

The woman stood next to a highly polished Porsche Boxster and shifted from foot to foot, as if she was very nervous. With her fingers, she loudly beat the rhythm on the tablet with my name, which she held in her hands. And the way she shifted from foot to foot in high heels only added more sharpness to the furious impatience that radiated from her whole figure. On the other hand, maybe the Miami heat was to blame. Good Lord, you could choke in your own sweat, but this blonde looked flawless, as if she stepped into the airport straight from the video clip for some rock song. Skinny jeans so tight they showed off the delicious curves of her ass. And at the sight of her T-shirt, my mouth watered - the monogram that crossed a couple of impressive boobs read: “ Hold me and die". The stranger's slender neck was adorned with at least a dozen necklaces of various sizes and with beads of various sizes. She also had a zashiben hairstyle - curls and loose strands, pulled back and laid in an intricate design in the best rock-chic style.

After I stared at her for at least a few minutes—or so it seemed to me—she fixed her blue-gray eyes on me. Exhaling noisily, the woman threw the cardboard through the car window and briskly walked towards me. She looked me up and down, from my loose black hair to a sundress and a pair of simple ballerinas on rather big feet.

“It won’t go from the word “absolutely,” the stranger said, shaking her head hopelessly. Then she turned around and threw me over her shoulder:

Let's go, time is money.

The trunk swung open and I tossed my suitcase into it.

“By the way, I’m Mia,” I said, holding out my hand to her.

The blonde put on a pair of ultra-cool aviator glasses, turned around and looked at me over them.

- I know who you are. It was I who chose you.

There was a clear note of disgust in her tone. The woman started the car and pressed the gas pedal to the floor, not even waiting for me to buckle up. I was thrown forward, so that I had to rest my hands on the leather-covered dashboard.

"Did I piss you off in some way?" I asked, adjusting my seatbelt and looking at the blonde's profile.

She exhaled slowly and shook her head.

“No,” the girl said with a groan. - I'm sorry. Anton pissed me off. I was on important business when he said I should follow you - because to him We need our driver to fuck a couple of fans in the back of the Escalade.

I winced. Just great - looks like my boss next month will be a stinky goat. Just not again.

- Lousy.

She turned quickly to the right, onto the highway.

- Can we start dating again? my companion asked, this time in a sincere and guilty tone. “I'm Heather Renee, Anton Santiago's personal assistant, by the way. The hottest hip-hop singer in the country.

Everyone knows the Ten Commandments
not all perform.

1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; may you have no other gods before me (Ex. 20, 2…3).

In pursuit of "advancement of religious views", many today are trying to connect the incompatible. Occult literature and non-Christian mysticism generates a complete "mess" in the minds of the newcomers. Here you have the Jesus Prayer, and Agni Yoga, and Buddha and Krishna in one package. Here and advice to gather more often - "to cleanse the chakras"! Ignorance of one's faith and a proud desire to know other people's beliefs gives rise to complete confusion of the soul. And, as a result of this confusion, - instead of "I believe in the One God the Father Almighty ...":

Well, I don't really believe in God. I just believe that there, from above, someone is there and knows everything about everyone.

Judging by your description, you believe in Aunt Klava from the 10th floor, - the priest noted.

2. Do not make for yourself an idol and no image of what is in the sky above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God (Ex. 20, 4…5).

Today, hardly anyone will carve an idol out of stone. But talismans and amulets are sold in every stall. However, it is not at all difficult to turn into an idolater without them. Shamemaking is a popular entertainment for the townsfolk. "Cult book, cult film, cult band" is heard from all sides. Modern mass culture has already spawned thousands of "cults" and "cults". A teenager with eagle vision suddenly starts wearing "Harrypotter" glasses. The girl sincerely wonders why the vegetable shop does not understand simple elvish words. And someone might get angry if they hear from you that in Rammstein's songs there are no answers to all life's questions.

When the charm is replaced by disappointment, the idols collapse. But, collapsing, they injure the fans standing at their feet with fragments. And therefore, “take a calmer attitude to the hits of the season!”

And in conclusion. If all your free time you run around the swamps in search of the "great Jedi teacher" - immediately stop watching Star Wars!

3. Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain (Ex. 20, 7).

Many, having barely crossed the threshold of the church, at every step say: “Lord, Lord!” Not for the sake of praying to the Almighty - just like that, for the sake of a saying, "for a bunch of words in a sentence." But the Name of the Lord is a strong tower(Prov. 18, 10) - here, don't mess around with it.. Otherwise - a bunch of eloquent words - and not one sincere.

Or like this:

Father! Sorry, bless!

Why forgive? You haven't done anything to me yet.

Forgive me for everything, for all sins ...

With sins - for confession. Bless for what?

Well, bless me to go to my cousin's cousin in Zaporozhye, to sell the house.

Dearest! What godfather, what house, what Zaporozhye? I see you for the first time in my life...

We need to remember well the words of the Savior: Not everyone who says to me: “Lord! Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven (Matthew 7:21). Better to be than to seem.

4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; six days you shall work and do all your works, and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God (Ex. 20, 8…10).

Not attending the temple today is often justified by the lack of time. Like, "you need to earn money." But you can't earn all the money! Or maybe because there are not enough of them all the time, because you rarely go to the temple?

5. Honor thy father and thy mother (Ex. 20, 12).

“Ancestors got it!!!” - we declare, defending our right to a three-day spree with friends. And we completely forget about “dostacha” when, washed and ironed, we leave the house. We turn to parental life experience only when parents have to urgently solve our problems. Problems arising from our own stupidity and carelessness.

6. Don't kill (Ex. 20, 13).

“But I didn’t kill anyone!” Many will calmly say. Really? By prior agreement, without the slightest hesitation, hundreds of couples in Ukraine “get rid of unplanned children” every day!

But even without this legalized infanticide, there are enough murderers among us. How many times have we wished our neighbor: “May you die!” How many times itched hands to break someone's head. Are we afraid of God? We were afraid of the policeman! And it would not have been… But for one who lives without the fear of God, even a policeman soon ceases to be an obstacle. Every year, crime reports are increasingly filled with reports of senseless, unmotivated murders.

7. Do not commit adultery (Ex. 20, 14).

Everyone knows that adultery and fornication are sins. However, the cohabitation of future spouses before marriage is becoming a sad fact today. And then they wonder why their children get sick.

The church calls this "marriage robbing." For many, it has become the “norm” to get acquainted in bed, and to remember the wedding only when you get tired of fornication. That is why it turned out that modern marriages are not stronger than spring “dog weddings”.

When the world is shaken by sexual revolutions, the Orthodox join the ranks of the counter-revolutionaries.

8. Don't steal (Ex. 20, 15).

If we do not climb the windows and do not smash the safes, this does not mean that we are “clean on hand”. We rarely encroach on someone else's, but, without hesitation, we put in our pocket "not our own." We "forget" to pay the fare, stupidly justifying ourselves, they say, "others steal more." Anyone who encroaches on someone else's, imagines himself a "noble Robin Hood", in fact, turns out to be a banal swindler. Nobody wants to be robbed, but many try to steal. And then they are still indignant: “They stole everything!” If you don't want thieves to get in, train yourself to at least pay on the bus. For as you want people to do to you, so do you to them, for this is the law and the prophets (Matthew 7:12).

9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor (Ex. 20, 16).

10. Do not covet your neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, [neither his fields,] nor his male servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, [nor any of his cattle,] anything that is your neighbor's (Ex. 20, 17).

Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy? - Asked Ostap - Just count everything.

One hundred rubles,” Balaganov answered, regretfully tearing himself away from the bread and sausage.

Unfortunately, many people cannot, like Shura, answer this simple question. And that is why they continue to survey the surroundings with an unsatisfied eye, exuding waves of envy.

If only I had such a Lexus!

Well, what would you do with it? I would think where to put it, how to protect it, how to refuel it, where to repair it?

Our desires can be limitless. Only we can limit them. It is always worth remembering that God, by His mercy, gives a person not what is desired, but what is appropriate. That is, what will be good for his soul. Determine the "necessary and sufficient" that you need, and learn to be content with it.

Even in everyday practice there is this wisdom. "The system should be adequate to the user", - experienced computer scientists believe. Really, do you need the fastest processor just to spend hours playing solitaire and chasing monsters in the virtual world?

But if your soul is pure, God will certainly give you everything you need to serve the Lord and your neighbor for the good. Seek the Kingdom of God most of all, and all this will be added to you. Fear not, little flock! for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:31…32).

What a joy for a rooster of the first step to be appointed the chief rooster of the country, if he saw true skill?! If he saw a rooster of the fourth step!
But man is strange. Climbing the social ladder of a vertical career, he forgets about a horizontal career. The path to unhappiness seems attractive. These are stars on shoulder straps, diplomas and titles, positions and salaries. It is a way of appearing successful, significant or happy.
Horizontal careers are stages of professional excellence. The ability to do what others can't. This is the knowledge and skills that are inside a person, which cannot be taken away as quickly as you can remove stars from shoulder straps. Who is jealous of whom - the answer is clear.
But the horizontal career is visible only to the initiates. Who is the master and who is the apprentice? It's not so easy to figure it out. But both the master and the apprentice know who is who.
When life presents a choice, what step to take? In a horizontal career or vertical? Of course, in the horizontal. And you need a vertical one, you just need to take it like an apple from a branch. If it doesn’t work out, then mastery is still not enough, you still need to study, still step on the steps of mastery.
Better to be than to seem.
Better to be capable than to be.