How to motivate yourself and stay. The biggest secret of motivation. How it works

an experienced person July 16, 2011 at 09:58

How to motivate yourself to do something?

  • Lumber room *

There are many articles on Habré devoted to motivation, many books have been written about how to force yourself to motivate. Also, many books have been written on how not to forget what needs to be done, etc. But after reading these books, articles and applying their techniques and recommendations, you find that it doesn’t work, that things keep accumulating and accumulating, everything is done in a dead-line and the quality of the work performed suffers. And when it's time to do important work, there is a desire to read forums, chat on ICQ, play, etc. As a result, everything remains as before, as if all these tricks and recommendations flew into one ear and flew out into the other.

It is well known that there are two types of motivation: “Carrot in front” and “Carrot in back”. "Carrot in front" is when a person sets a goal and goes to it. “Carrot behind” is when life sets a goal for a person and if he does not achieve it, then there will be some negative consequences. Based on this, if a person sets a goal for himself (“Carrot in front”), then according to the idea, he should run towards it at a gallop, he set it himself. But in life this rarely happens, a person sets a goal and, as a rule, postpones its achievement. This happens for various reasons: fear, laziness, more important things, etc.

The same with the second type of motivation “Carrot from behind” - it seems that life sets a goal and a person, being afraid of negative consequences, must achieve it, but even here a person has many ways to delay its implementation.

In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to change the way of motivation because "Carrot in front" and "Carrot in back" do not work alone do not work.

When working with motivation, many authors recommend understanding the reasons why a person does not do what seems to be the right job: by answering questions, keeping diaries of fears, etc. It is also recommended to realize that the achievement of this goal gives a person what benefits he will receive. But when a person answers these questions, diaries, etc. he usually lacks motivation. He is aware of all these reasons, he knows the benefits that he will receive, but he cannot motivate himself to do what seems to be the right job. This happens because all these methods do not fully take into account human psychology and forget about time.

Man goes from the past to the future through the present. This is a constant process and it needs to be understood as follows: in order to motivate oneself, a person must realize what position he is in now, because he is not doing what he needs to do and imagine what will happen when he achieves this.

To illustrate this principle, let's take an example: a person wants to learn English. He understands that this is currently very relevant, but instead of just studying it, he goes to the forums looking for textbooks, tutorials, etc. and puts them on his computer, looking once and so it can go on forever. It seems that a person is engaged in this direction, but there is no result. For motivation in this case, a person must realize that at the moment he cannot read literature, watch films, communicate and write in English. And when he learns it to a certain extent, he will be able to do all this.

Another example: a person instead of working during working hours at work goes to forums, communicates in ICQ, drinks coffee, etc. And when the time comes for the delivery of work, he busily on his knee somehow does the work and hands it over with errors, and then the boss scolds him. In this case, a person must realize that he is an office plankton who is kept until the next crisis and with such an attitude to work he will never get a promotion, etc. And when he does the work on time and not at the last moment, but evenly, he will become a professional in his field, make fewer mistakes and he will be appreciated as a specialist and possibly given a promotion.

When applying this principle, two types of motivation "Carrot in front" and "Carrot in back" are combined, since the current situation motivates him as "Carrot in the back", and future achievements motivate him as "Carrot in front".

To implement this principle, it is recommended to take the following steps:
analyze the current situation in terms of what you don’t like and write goals, the achievement of which will change it for the better;
complete the list by writing goals that you just want to achieve;
go through each goal and analyze how not achieving it affects the current situation - if achieving the goal does not change the current situation for the better (for example, a person wants to learn Chinese, but at the moment it is not relevant for him - there is no one to communicate with) then cross the target off the list and move on to the next one.

After analyzing the goals, only goals will remain that will change the current situation for the better.
In NLP, there is such a concept as an anchor - this is something that makes a person experience certain sensations, emotions. For motivation, I recommend hanging a list of goals and a quote from Artemy Lebedev in the workplace:
How to motivate yourself to do something? - No way, stay in the ass!

Tags: motivation, self-organization

(c) Artemy Lebedev, top blogger, famous designer, publisher and traveler.

One of the best answers to this question.

To be honest, as a woman who grew up and was brought up in an intelligent family, it was difficult for me to put such a provocative title to this article. Honestly. And then I thought, why take offense at the truth? Artemy Lebedev, who has much more spiritual roots (the great-grandson of Alexei Tolstov, the son of Tatyana Tolstaya and the famous philologist Andrei Lebedev), constantly answers this question to his readers - How to motivate yourself - in this way. And no one is shy.

I started this post because I decided to participate in the MLM-post 2013 contest. And the topic touched me very much - “ How to motivate yourself when you have everything?

I immediately thought. How differently we evaluate this small detail “when you have everything”.

I will give a simple example. Recently, my husband and I and one of the key managers of my structure went to the outback of the Ryazan region. We went to hold an informational meeting with new consultants, who were described as very promising partners. So that they, so to speak, see the business more broadly than just showing catalogs and start inviting people to Oriflame.

Along the way, we often listen to audio from top leaders and coaches in our industry to combine travel time with learning. And so we heard a method for making people understand that network marketing is a great tool for them to fulfill their dreams and achieve the quality of life they deserve. We are going very enthusiastic, our hands are itching to put this advice into practice immediately.

The method is simple: you need to ask the interlocutor to rate the degree of satisfaction with their life as a whole at the moment on a scale from 0 to 100, where "0" corresponds to complete dissatisfaction, and "100" to complete satisfaction. As the coach said, most people will rate their satisfaction with life somewhere at 50-70% :) And then everything is simple, we ask - what is missing up to 100? A person begins to list and we gently lead him to the fact that we can help him fulfill all his desires with our help and mlm, because all this has some kind of material value. Amen!

We arrived, got to know each other, we talk at ease, the girls are sensible, I am internally satisfied. I am bursting with a question, I ask it. And she even opened her mouth to say a pre-prepared speech :)

And then I hear such answers that my jaw dropped, and I even had to collect my thoughts for a minute and a half and think about how to continue the conversation and return it to the direction that was so necessary for our communication. To my question “rate the quality of your life from 0 to 100”, one girl answered “80-90 percent”, and the second confidently stated that everything satisfies her ... well, at least 90%. The remaining happiness is an apartment in Ryazan - it will then cover these missing 10%.

Lyrical digression. Outback Ryazan region. There are earnings, but as a rule, seasonal agricultural work plus men are roaming somewhere on a rotational basis. Own farm, some have chickens, pigs and a cow. Kilometers in 40 - the regional center. Maximum entertainment - local club. Maybe a bar. Village!

And now the main thing! 90% of the population has a toilet outside and a bath once a week. On other days - ladle and basin.

And we all know the main rule of a business meeting: find out the needs, what a person dreams about, show him the way and transform his dreams into goals.

At this very moment, when I looked into the eyes of these women who already have a family and children, that they think that their quality of life is almost 100%, I understood. Understood the main thing. It is useless for me to ask them “what are your dreams” and then show them the marketing plan.

Everything is simple. These girls, a mirror of 98% of the population of the Ryazan region, simply don't know what to dream about. They think they have "everything!" And point. Well, at most for complete happiness, they lack a more expensive car (in our case, this is any foreign car) and an apartment in Ryazan (well, this is just the height of dreams).

On the way home, my husband and I talked passionately. It turns out that our primary task is not just to know people's dreams and show them the way, to motivate them to achieve their goals! Our task is simply to show and tell them - what their dreams can be, that life - it is actually not limited to their village and even Ryazan!

When I see photos in classmates, how their children go to one of the game centers in Ryazan every six months or, God forbid, once a year to the puppet theater, I understand my primary task. When I hear from another of my key partners “yes, I live as well as you and my children get everything they want”, I understand that I MUST show them that even though you do not live worse than others, you simply don’t know better How.

A very important point - I now know the reasons why people do not have dreams. Because they don't have an example before their eyes. Their parents have lived their lives and cannot teach their children (if they do not want to) to live differently. You just can't see your future for others! And on TV there is such blackness that you don’t even want to live, there are enemies all around.

And my task is to show by my own example, the example of my successful partners, that it (the future) can be different, and not the way your environment sees it or “live no worse than others”.

When I hear "my kids have everything they want" it means "my kids eat good sausage and sweets and don't have holes in their socks". Is this your main dream? How can you go to the toilet outside? In 2013? HOW? How can you freeze vital organs?

I remember how MLM coaches used to teach, ride your potential leader in your expensive car and he will have a dream of driving not a “six”, but at least an inexpensive foreign car. Here is the motivation. Now I have a thought - to invite everyone to my beautiful, comfortable and delicious-smelling toilet :)

One more moment. If it seems to a person that he gives everything to his family, I ask him if he drinks WELLNESS every day. I ask how often does he or his children get viral diseases? Regularly? Vitamin-mineral complexes, antioxidants and omega-3, protein shakes and soup are the basis of proper nutrition and long life. Expensive? So you have the opportunity to earn it! Tool to suggest? :)

I believe in the power of art and books! Movies and necessary books. And I recommend the greatest motivators to my partners!

I always post witty aphorisms on my classmates and other social networks. It seems to me that one thought in two or three days, expressed from different sides, lays down in an even layer on the subcortex :) and will not go unnoticed by the brain.

And of course, the company's amazing conferences are a motivating bomb. Arriving, you speak with different eyes, and most importantly, you show SUCH :) that a person understands even more clearly why he is here. And why does he continue the business partnership, although "I have everything."

I love it when a woman returns to the same house, to the same husband and children. But another person enters this house. Change people's thoughts and they won't be able to live the same way...

And now personal :)

What is it that moves me? After all, I also have “everything” :) And this is the topic of the next post.

I myself did not expect how much I was motivated by leaving Oriflame to another mlm company of my business partner, with whom I had been together for 6 years. Our numbers in the company differed by one digit. This is my first time :) And the first one is always sharp! Therefore, I will definitely write to you - why this happened and why.

I want to end this post with the favorite phrase of the great woman Tamilla Polezhaeva:

"Do you have children. What more motivation do you need?

Business in partnership with ORIFLAME SWEDEN in the regions of the Ryazan region, blog

“How do you motivate yourself to do something?
- No way - stay in the f ... "
Artemy Lebedev

How often have you thought about changing your life for the better? Start eating right, run in the morning, lose weight, learn English… The list is endless. I bet that 90% of people "things are still there." Why did the desire remain unfulfilled? “There was not enough motivation,” the majority will answer. Is it really?

Motivation is

First, let's understand what motivation is. On the Internet, you can find a variety of definitions. The most popular of them:
motivation is a component of the volitional process, an incentive to perform a purposeful action;
Motivation is the ability of a person to actively satisfy his needs;
Motivation is a kind of "fuel", a driving force, inspiration in achieving results.

As you can see, the main goal of motivation is to turn our intentions, thoughts, desires into actions. It seems like everything is simple: I want to get something - there is motivation, which means there is action. But in fact, everything turns out to be somewhat different.

How it works

Let's see how it works on the example of being overweight. Let's say I have 5 extra pounds that prevent me from enjoying the reflection in the mirror.

I want to please myself in a bathing suit - there is a desire.

Losing weight - eating right and exercising - is the action.

And on all this huge path, there must also be motivation leading me to the result.

And how does it work in life? Every day you need to deny yourself delicious cakes and exhaust your body with workouts, and the result is still so far away! I get the joy from the candy instantly, and the lost kilograms are something so distant.
Why am I eating chocolate candy again instead of having fun jumping with dumbbells?

The main secret

My answer is that it is not about motivation, but about the habit of living and acting consciously. What does it mean?

1. Understand and accept one simple truth: what you have today is the result of your choices that you made in the past. Your extra pounds are the result of daily small choices - to eat a sandwich with sausage before bed, to be lazy on the couch and not go to the gym, to swallow another mouth-watering cake for the company at your birthday ...

2. Your future will be the result of the choices you make today.

3. The problem is that we often make choices out of habit, automatically, without realizing it.

4. Every time you are going to do something, get involved in the process.

5. All that needs to be changed is just to turn on consciousness at every moment of time.

Mindfulness of our actions is the main secret of motivation.
What should we do in our example? Stop your hand with the candy for a second and say to yourself: "I choose to eat this candy, and I take those extra half a kilo that will appear on my waist." Chances are very good that after such a workout, you will want to make a completely different choice: “I choose to put on running shoes and do a 15-minute workout, and accept weight loss and a small waist, good health and pride in myself!”.

As Stephen Covey said, the moment of choice is the moment of truth. What do you choose?

Shall we practice?

And now is the time to try to become aware of your aspirations and actions. Choose the task that is most relevant to you. Grab a piece of paper and a pen, get alone. And write down
answers on questions.